property script_name : "image Tracker"
property script_description : "image property data finder"
--set the_folder to (choose folder with prompt "Select the folder for get the image property:") as Unicode text
--set the_folder to quoted form of POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "Select the folder for get the image property:")
set the_folder to (choose folder)
copy {"jpg", "png", "eps", "ai", "tif", "psd", "gif"} to validExtentions
tell application "Finder" to set fPaths to file the_folder
repeat with thisFilePath in fPaths
if name extension of thisFilePath is in validExtensions then
tell application "Image Events"
-- start the Image Events application
-- open the image file
set this_image to open this_file
-- extract the properties record
set the props_rec to the properties of this_image
-- purge the open image data
close this_image
-- extract the property values from the record
set the image_info to ""
set the image_info to the image_info & ¬
"Name: " & (name of props_rec) & return
set the image_info to the image_info & ¬
"*********************************************" & return
set the image_info to the image_info & ¬
"File: " & (path of image file of props_rec) & return
set the image_info to the image_info & ¬
"File Type: " & (file type of props_rec) & return
set the image_info to the image_info & ¬
"Res: " & item 1 of (resolution of props_rec) & return
set the image_info to the image_info & ¬
"Color Space: " & (color space of props_rec) & return
copy (dimensions of props_rec) to {x, y}
set the image_info to the image_info & ¬
"Dimemsions: " & x & ", " & y
end tell
on error error_message
display dialog error_message
end try
end if
end repeat
set myfile to open for access ("Macintosh HD:Users:varghese.pt:Desktop:") & "image_data.txt" with write permission
write image_info to myfile
close access myfile
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