#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node //Node
int info;
struct node * link;
//insertion at begin
struct node * AddAtBegin(struct node * start, int data) {
struct node * p;
p = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
p - > info = data;
p - > link = start;
start = p;
return start;
//insertion at End
struct node * AddAtEnd(struct node * start, int data) {
struct node * p, * q = start;
p = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
p - > info = data;
p - > link = NULL;
while (q - > link != NULL)
q = q - > link;
q - > link = p;
return start;
//insertion after any given node
struct node * AddAfter(struct node * start, int data, int node) {
if (node == ' ')
return start;
struct node * temp, * p = start;
temp = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
temp - > info = data;
while (p != NULL) {
if (p - > info == node) {
temp - > link = p - > link;
p - > link = temp;
return start;
p = p - > link;
printf("Not Found Your Node");
return start;
//insertion before any given node
struct node * AddBefore(struct node * start, int data, int node) {
if (start == NULL) {
printf("List is Empty");
return start;
struct node * p, * q = start;
p = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
p - > info = data;
if (start - > info == node) {
p - > link = start;
start = p;
return start;
while (q - > link != NULL) {
if (q - > link - > info == node) {
p - > link = q - > link;
q - > link = p;
return start;
q = q - > link;
printf("NOT found node");
return start;
// deletion of node
int Delete(struct node * start, int data) {
struct node * p = start;
struct node * temp = NULL;
if (start == NULL) {
printf("Epty list");
if (p - > info == data) {
temp = start;
start = p - > link;
printf("After Deletion of %d == ", data);
return 0;
while (p - > link != NULL) {
if (p - > link - > info == data) {
temp = p - > link;
p - > link = temp - > link;
printf("After Deletion of %d == ", data);
return 0;
p = p - > link;
printf("Not Found In The List");
return 0;
//display of all nodes
void Display(struct node * start) {
struct node * p = start;
while (p != NULL) {
printf("%d \t", p - > info);
p = p - > link;
int main() {
struct node * start = NULL;
int i;
start = AddAtBegin(start, 2);
start = AddAtBegin(start, 1);
start = AddAtEnd(start, 4);
start = AddAtEnd(start, 5);
start = AddAfter(start, 6, 5);
start = AddAfter(start, 3, 2);
start = AddBefore(start, 7, 6);
start = AddBefore(start, 79, 1);
printf("List is \n");
scanf("%d", & i);
Delete(start, i);
Delete(start, 7);
Delete(start, 79);
return 0;