#!/usr/bin/env python
from operator import itemgetter # For sorting
class XaDatum (object):
fields = {'name':0, 'ki':1, 'amt':2, 'rep': 3, 'stage':4, 'variety':5,
'date':6, 'comments':7}
def __init__(self, name, ki, amt, rep=None, stage=None, variety=None,
date=None, comments = None):
for item in (name, rep, stage, variety, date, comments):
if item is not None:
item = str(item)
ki = int(ki)
amt = float(amt)
self.datum = [name, ki, amt, rep, stage, variety, date, comments]
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.datum[self.fields[key]]
def copy(self):
return XaDatum(self['name'], self['ki'],
self['amt'], self['rep'],
self['stage'], self['variety'],
self['date'], self['comments'])
def __setitem__(self, key, item):
if key in ['name', 'rep', 'stage', 'variety', 'date', 'comments']:
item = str(item)
if key == 'ki':
item = int(item)
if key == 'amt':
item = float(item)
self.datum[self.fields[key]] = item
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.datum)
def show(self):
print("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7}".format(
self['name'], self['ki'], self['amt'], self['rep'],
self['stage'], self['variety'], self['date'],
class XaData (object):
def __init__(self):
self.data = []
self.count = 0
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.data[index]
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.data)
def append(self, name, ki, amt, rep=None, stage=None, variety=None,
date=None, comments=None):
XaDatum(name, ki, amt, rep, stage, variety, date, comments))
self.count += 1
def show(self):
for i in self.data:
def copy(self):
returnme = XaData()
for item in self:
return returnme
# Result points to the same memory! Changes to the returned
# znoselonglist will result in changes to the original!
def filter(self, inverse=False, min=-float('Inf'), max=float('Inf'),
ki_min=-float('Inf'), ki_max=float('Inf'), rep=None, stage=None,
variety=None, date=None, comment=None):
returnme = XaData()
for item in self.data:
match = ((item['amt'] >= min)
and (item['amt'] <= max)
and (item['ki'] >= ki_min)
and (item['ki'] <= ki_max)
and (rep is None or item['rep'] in rep)
and (stage is None or item['stage'] in stage)
and (variety is None or item['variety'] in variety)
and (date is None or item['date'] in date)
and (comment is None or item['comment'] in comment))
if match^inverse:
return returnme
def sort(self, *args):
if len(args) == 0:
args = ('name', 'ki')
self.data = sorted(self.data, key=itemgetter(*args))
def unique(self, key):
key_list = [item[key] for item in self.data]
return sorted(list(set(key_list)))
def unique_kis(self):
kilist = [item['ki'] for item in self.data]
return sorted(list(set(kilist)))
def unique_names(self):
namelist = [item['name'] for item in self.data]
return sorted(list(set(namelist)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
da = XaData()
da.append('x00', 35, 501, stage='B', variety='V1')
da.append('x01', 40, 309, stage='D', variety='V2')
da.append('x02', 37, 450, stage='D', variety='V1')
da.append('x03', 35, 470, stage='A', variety='V2')
da.append('x04', 40, 378, stage='B', variety='V1')
da.append('x05', 45, 770, stage='A', variety='V2')
In [1]: da.show()
x00 35 501.0 None B V1 None None
x01 40 309.0 None D V2 None None
x02 37 450.0 None D V1 None None
x03 35 470.0 None A V2 None None
x04 40 378.0 None B V1 None None
x05 45 770.0 None A V2 None None
In [2]: daf = da.filter(variety='V1')
In [3]: daf.show()
x00 35 501.0 None B V1 None None
x02 37 450.0 None D V1 None None
x04 40 378.0 None B V1 None None
In [4]: daf[0]['amt'] *= 0.2
In [5]: daf.show()
x00 35 100.2 None B V1 None None
x02 37 450.0 None D V1 None None
x04 40 378.0 None B V1 None None
In [6]: daf[:]['amt'] *= 0.2
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/nathan/work/simo_znose/<ipython console> in <module>()
TypeError: list indices must be integers, not str
你期望'daf [:] ['amt']'返回到什麼程度?或者你預計會發生什麼結果?你想把每個'amt'值乘以'0.2'嗎? – poke 2011-05-01 21:22:37
'XaDatum .__ init __()'中的'item = str(item)'行不符合您的想法。閱讀http://docs.python.org/reference/simple_stmts.html#assignment-statements。 – pillmuncher 2011-05-01 21:48:47
@Poke:是的,我希望每個「amt」的值都乘以0.2 ......或者說,它會很好...... – user733664 2011-05-02 00:33:50