2010-05-11 42 views


[myView.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()]; 
UIImage *viewImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); 
UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(viewImage, nil, nil, nil); 


2010-05-11 10:17:17.974 myApp[3875:1807] sqlite error 8 [attempt to write a readonly database] 
2010-05-11 10:17:18.014 myApp[3875:1807] Backtrace for sqlite error: (0x34e3a909 0x34e3d87f 0x34e3b029 0x34e3b22b 0x34e2f48b 0x34e2dccb 0x34e2d2f7 0x34e2d3bb 0x34e4dcd3 0x34e50515 0x34e51351 0x34e51681 0x34e513f5 0x34e511e3 0x303af57c 0x34e51163 0x303b06e8 0x303ac8e0 0x303ac6d8 0x303ac8c8 0x303aca80 0x30350d55 0x3034a12c) 

2010-05-11 10:17:18.077 myApp[3875:1807] sqlite error 8 [attempt to write a readonly database] 
2010-05-11 10:17:18.087 myApp[3875:1807] Backtrace for sqlite error: (0x34e3a909 0x34e3b053 0x34e3b22b 0x34e2f48b 0x34e2dccb 0x34e2d2f7 0x34e2d3bb 0x34e4dcd3 0x34e50515 0x34e51351 0x34e51681 0x34e513f5 0x34e511e3 0x303af57c 0x34e51163 0x303b06e8 0x303ac8e0 0x303ac6d8 0x303ac8c8 0x303aca80 0x30350d55 0x3034a12c) 

2010-05-11 10:17:18.091 myApp[3875:1807] sqlite error 8 [attempt to write a readonly database] 
2010-05-11 10:17:18.095 myApp[3875:1807] Backtrace for sqlite error: (0x34e3a909 0x34e3b085 0x34e3b22b 0x34e2f48b 0x34e2dccb 0x34e2d2f7 0x34e2d3bb 0x34e4dcd3 0x34e50515 0x34e51351 0x34e51681 0x34e513f5 0x34e511e3 0x303af57c 0x34e51163 0x303b06e8 0x303ac8e0 0x303ac6d8 0x303ac8c8 0x303aca80 0x30350d55 0x3034a12c) 

2010-05-11 10:17:18.111 myApp[3875:1807] sqlite error 1 [SQL logic error or missing database] 
2010-05-11 10:17:18.115 myApp[3875:1807] Backtrace for sqlite error: (0x34e3a909 0x34e3d87f 0x34e3b029 0x34e3b4dd 0x34e2f48b 0x34e2dccb 0x34e2d2f7 0x34e2d3bb 0x34e4dcd3 0x34e50515 0x34e51351 0x34e51681 0x34e513f5 0x34e511e3 0x303af57c 0x34e51163 0x303b06e8 0x303ac8e0 0x303ac6d8 0x303ac8c8 0x303aca80 0x30350d55 0x3034a12c) 

2010-05-11 10:17:18.120 myApp[3875:1807] sqlite error 1 [SQL logic error or missing database] 
2010-05-11 10:17:18.124 myApp[3875:1807] Backtrace for sqlite error: (0x34e3a909 0x34e3b053 0x34e3b4dd 0x34e2f48b 0x34e2dccb 0x34e2d2f7 0x34e2d3bb 0x34e4dcd3 0x34e50515 0x34e51351 0x34e51681 0x34e513f5 0x34e511e3 0x303af57c 0x34e51163 0x303b06e8 0x303ac8e0 0x303ac6d8 0x303ac8c8 0x303aca80 0x30350d55 0x3034a12c) 

2010-05-11 10:17:18.129 myApp[3875:1807] sqlite error 1 [cannot commit - no transaction is active] 
2010-05-11 10:17:18.133 myApp[3875:1807] Backtrace for sqlite error: (0x34e3a909 0x34e3b085 0x34e3b4dd 0x34e2f48b 0x34e2dccb 0x34e2d2f7 0x34e2d3bb 0x34e4dcd3 0x34e50515 0x34e51351 0x34e51681 0x34e513f5 0x34e511e3 0x303af57c 0x34e51163 0x303b06e8 0x303ac8e0 0x303ac6d8 0x303ac8c8 0x303aca80 0x30350d55 

我不知道問題出在哪裏。 你能幫我嗎?



我不能告訴你爲什麼你得到「只讀」消息,但我可以告訴你,這是不正常的:我只是在帶有OS的iPod Touch上試用UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(anImg,nil,nil,nil) 3.1.3。並且它在控制檯中沒有任何消息的情況下生成照片數據庫中的文件。
