這是我的HTTPClient上傳圖像到服務器的代碼。在3.5.0.GA SDK和4.1.0.GA SDK中也是如此,但在新的SDK 5.1.1.GA和5.1.2.GA中不起作用。鈦5.1.1.GA SDK圖像文件不在ios上載
var filename = "sample.png";
//Pointer to the file to be uploaded.
var uploadingFile = Titanium.Filesystem.getFile(Titanium.Filesystem.applicationDataDirectory, filename);
Ti.API.info('uploadingFile ' + uploadingFile.exists());
//We are creating a new xhr instead of calling the existing one because we dont want timeout when uploading data.
var xhr = Titanium.Network.createHTTPClient({
validatesSecureCertificate : false,
enableKeepAlive : true,
onload : function() {
uploadingFile = null;
Ti.API.info('Success '+tthis.responseText);
onerror : function(data) {
uploadingFile = null;
Ti.API.info('this.status '+this.status);
xhr.onsendstream = function(e) {
var uploadTime = new Date();
Ti.API.info('UPLOADING PROGRESS: ' + progress + ' ' + uploadTime.getHours() + ":" + uploadTime.getMinutes() + ":" + uploadTime.getSeconds());
xhr.open('POST', httpClient.getUserDomainInfo(config.URLs.imageupload, tenant));
file : uploadingFile.read(),
claimId : claimID,
filename : filename,
description : ''
500錯誤表示您的服務器當時正忙或未響應。請檢查您的網址是否正常工作。 –
您的服務器上傳腳本中也可能有錯誤 – Sebastian
相同的URL和相同的代碼在3.5.0.GA SDK和4.1.0.GA SDK中可用。所以我的假設是服務器上傳腳本很好。剛剛在4.1.0GA嘗試過。我再次嘗試在5.1.1GA沒有工作。 – Venkatesh