2013-04-02 64 views



package com.addressbook; 

public abstract class KeyedItem<KT extends Comparable<? super KT>> { 
private KT searchKey; 

public KeyedItem(KT key){ 
    searchKey = key; 

public KT getKey(){ 
    return searchKey; 

package com.addressbook; 

public class People extends KeyedItem<String> { 
private String address; 
private String phone; 

public People(String n, String a, String p){ 
    this.address = a; 
    this.phone = p; 

public void setAddress(String a){ 
    address = a; 

public void setPhone(String p){ 
    phone = p; 

public String toString(){ 
    return "Name:" + getKey() + "\nAddress:" + address + "\nPhone:" + phone; 

public String getTheKey(){ 
    return getKey(); 

package com.addressbook; 

public class BinaryNode{ 
// Friendly data; accessible by other package routines 
private People people;  // The data in the node 
private BinaryNode left;  // Left child 
private BinaryNode right; // Right child 
// Constructors 

public BinaryNode(People pe, BinaryNode l, BinaryNode r) { 
    people = pe; 
    left = l; 
    right = r; 

public BinaryNode(People pe) { 
    people = pe; 
    left = right = null; 

public void setData(People p){ 
    people = p; 

public String getSearch(){ 
    return people.getTheKey(); 

public People getData(){ 
    return people; 

public BinaryNode getLeft(){ 
    return left; 

public BinaryNode getRight(){ 
    return right; 

package com.addressbook; 

import com.addressbook.People; 
import com.addressbook.BinaryNode; 

public class AddressBook { 
private BinaryNode root; 

public AddressBook() { 

public AddressBook(People p) { 
    root = new BinaryNode(p); 

public void insert(People p){ 
    insert(p, root); 

public People get(String key) { 
    BinaryNode node = root; 
    while (node != null) { 
     if (key.compareTo(node.getSearch()) == 0) { 
      return node.getData(); 
     if (key.compareTo(node.getSearch()) < 0) { 
      node = node.getLeft(); 
     } else { 
      node = node.getRight(); 
    return null; 

protected BinaryNode insert(People p, BinaryNode node) { 
    if (node == null) { 
     return new BinaryNode(p); 
    if (p.getTheKey().compareTo(node.getSearch()) == 0) { 
     return new BinaryNode(p, node.getLeft(), node.getRight()); 
    } else { 
     if (p.getTheKey().compareTo(node.getSearch()) < 0) { // add to left subtree 
      insert(p, node.getLeft()); 
     } else {            // add to right subtree 
      insert(p, node.getRight()); 
    return node; 

public void remove(String key) { 
    remove(key, root); 

protected BinaryNode remove(String k, BinaryNode node) { 
    if (node == null) { // key not in tree 
     return null; 
    if (k.compareTo(node.getSearch()) == 0) { // remove this node 
     if (node.getLeft() == null) { // replace this node with right child 
      return node.getRight(); 
     } else if (node.getRight() == null) { // replace with left child 
      return node.getLeft(); 
     } else { 
      // replace the value in this node with the value in the 
      // rightmost node of the left subtree 
      node = getRightmost(node.getLeft()); 
      // now remove the rightmost node in the left subtree, 
      // by calling "remove" recursively 
      remove(node.getSearch(), node.getLeft()); 
      // return node; -- done below 
    } else {  // remove from left or right subtree 
     if (k.compareTo(node.getSearch()) < 0) { 
      // remove from left subtree 
      remove(k, node.getLeft()); 
     } else {  // remove from right subtree 
      remove(k, node.getRight()); 
    return node; 

protected BinaryNode getRightmost(BinaryNode node) { 
    assert(node != null); 
    BinaryNode right = node.getRight(); 
    if (right == null) { 
     return node; 
    } else { 
     return getRightmost(right); 

protected String toString(BinaryNode node) { 
    if (node == null) { 
     return ""; 
    return node.getData().toString() + "(" + toString(node.getLeft()) + ", " + 
     toString(node.getRight()) + ")"; 

public static void main(String[] arguments) { 
    AddressBook tree = new AddressBook(); 

    People p1 = new People("person 1", "adresa 1", "404040404"); 
    People p2 = new People("person 2", "adresa 2", "4040434345"); 
    People p3 = new People("person 3", "adresa 3", "346363463"); 
    People p4 = new People("person 4", "adresa 4", "435346346"); 
    People p5 = new People("person 5", "adresa 5", "4363907402"); 


    System.out.println(tree.get("person 1")); 

這是很多需要查看的代碼。你如何期待它的工作,它有什麼不同?你能縮小到代碼的某個部分嗎?究竟是什麼問題? – iamnotmaynard


問題是,當我在BST中插入5個元素,然後我做一個println時,它總是返回null而不是真正的person.Maybe插入方法是不正確的。 – Leon


疑難解答中的** 1st **步驟應該使用**調試器**來逐步執行代碼。假設你使用某種IDE(Eclipse或類似的),不應該出現任何問題。 –




public void insert(People p){ 
    insert(p, root); 


protected BinaryNode insert(People p, BinaryNode node) { 
    if (node == null) { 
     return new BinaryNode(p); 


public void insert(People p){ 
    root = insert(p, root); 



'AddressBook' **構造函數**初始化'root'。它會是'空'嗎? –


有兩個ctors,但只有一個初始化'root'。猜猜哪一個被使用? –


@ AH - 對你ar e,錯過了。您可能希望將這個事實添加到您的答案中。 –