2015-06-17 40 views

有沒有辦法在Google應用程序腳本中使用Logger.log記錄對象的內容?將Javascript對象記錄爲字符串Google App腳本





我是從another SO answer修改的功能:

var Log = { 

// Thanks to Amos Batto - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/603987/what-is-the-javascript-equivalent-of-var-dump-or-print-r-in-php 

    dump() displays the contents of a variable like var_dump() does in PHP. dump() is 
    better than typeof, because it can distinguish between array, null and object. 
    v:    The variable 
    howDisplay:  "none", "body", "alert" (default) 
    recursionLevel: Number of times the function has recursed when entering nested 
        objects or arrays. Each level of recursion adds extra space to the 
        output to indicate level. Set to 0 by default. 
    Return Value: 
    A string of the variable's contents 
    Can't pass an undefined variable to dump(). 
    dump() can't distinguish between int and float. 
    dump() can't tell the original variable type of a member variable of an object. 
    These limitations can't be fixed because these are *features* of JS. However, dump() 

    dump: function(functionName, v, recursionLevel) { 

     recursionLevel = (typeof recursionLevel !== 'number') ? 0 : recursionLevel; 

     var vType = typeof v; 
     var out = vType; 

     switch (vType) { 

      case "number": 
       /* there is absolutely no way in JS to distinguish 2 from 2.0 
       so 'number' is the best that you can do. The following doesn't work: 
       var er = /^[0-9]+$/; 
       if (!isNaN(v) && v % 1 === 0 && er.test(3.0)) 
        out = 'int';*/ 

      case "boolean": 
       out += ": " + v; 

      case "string": 
       out += "(" + v.length + '): "' + v + '"'; 

      case "object": 
       //check if null 
       if (v === null) { 
        out = "null"; 

       //If using jQuery: if ($.isArray(v)) 
       //If using IE: if (isArray(v)) 
       //this should work for all browsers according to the ECMAScript standard: 
       else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(v) === '[object Array]') { 
        out = 'array(' + v.length + '): {\n'; 
        for (var i = 0; i < v.length; i++) { 
         out += repeatString(' ', recursionLevel) + " [" + i + "]: " + 
          Log.dump(functionName, v[i], recursionLevel + 1) + "\n"; 
        out += repeatString(' ', recursionLevel) + "}"; 
       else { //if object  
        sContents = "{\n"; 
        cnt = 0; 
        for (var member in v) { 
         //No way to know the original data type of member, since JS 
         //always converts it to a string and no other way to parse objects. 
         sContents += repeatString(' ', recursionLevel) + " " + member + 
          ": " + Log.dump(functionName, v[member], recursionLevel + 1) + "\n"; 
        sContents += repeatString(' ', recursionLevel) + "}"; 
        out += "(" + cnt + "): " + sContents; 

     Logger.log(functionName + ' - ' + out); 


    // Private Functions 
    // ----------------- 

    /* repeatString() returns a string which has been repeated a set number of times */ 
    function repeatString(str, num) { 
     out = ''; 
     for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { 
      out += str; 
     return out; 

    } // Log.dump.repeatString() 

    }, // Log.dump() 

非常新的谷歌腳本,但它看起來像你缺少一個功能。當我運行這個時,我得到:「TypeError:無法找到對象[對象對象]中的函數更精細(第80行)」 –


這是我的個人日誌記錄功能,我忘了拿出來。我用Logger.log替換了它 –
