2016-09-23 159 views


calcSimilarity() function will take two arguments that are both strings. The 
function calculates the Hamming distance and returns the similarity score. This 
function should only calculate the similarity if the two strings are the same length, 
otherwise return 0. 
float calcSimilarity (string str_1,string str_2){ 
    float hammer_distance; 

    /*Lenth check*/ 
    if (str_1.length() != str_2.length()){ 
     cout << "String length not equal, please enter again: " << endl; 

    /*Hammer distance*/ 
    for (int i = 0; i < str_1.length(); i++) 
     if (str_1[i] != str_2[i]){ 
      hammer_distance += 1; 

    /*Similarity score*/ 
    float similarity_score = (str_2.length() - hammer_distance)/str_2.length(); 

    return similarity_score; 

compareDNA() function should take two arguments that are both strings. The 
function should calculate the similarity score for each substring of the DNA 
(substring should be same length as user_input) and return the best similarity 
score found across all the possible substrings. Use the calcSimilarity() function 
described above. 
float compareDNA(string DNA, string user_input){ 
    float current_score = 0; 
    float highest_score = 0; 
    float final_score; 
    string substring; 
    /*Loop through each segment and calculating for the highest score*/ 
    for (int i = 0; i < DNA.length()-user_input.length(); i++){ 
     substring = DNA.substr(i,user_input.length()); 
     current_score = calcSimilarity(user_input,substring); 
     if (current_score > highest_score){ 
      highest_score = current_score; 
    cout << highest_score << endl; 
    return highest_score; 

你能不能也發佈代碼calcSimilarity()? – user3286661


好的,只是更新了! –


'hammer_distance'未初始化 –




calcSimilarity() function will take two arguments that are both strings. The 
function calculates the Hamming distance and returns the similarity score. This 
function should only calculate the similarity if the two strings are the same length, 
otherwise return 0. 
float calcSimilarity (string str_1,string str_2){ 
    float hammer_distance = 0; // Initialize this variable 

    /*Lenth check*/ 
    if (str_1.length() != str_2.length()){ 
     cout << "String length not equal, please enter again: " << endl; 

    /*Hammer distance*/ 
    for (int i = 0; i < str_1.length(); i++) 
     if (str_1[i] != str_2[i]){ 
      hammer_distance += 1; 

    /*Similarity score*/ 
    float similarity_score = (str_2.length() - hammer_distance)/str_2.length(); 

    return similarity_score; 

compareDNA() function should take two arguments that are both strings. The 
function should calculate the similarity score for each substring of the DNA 
(substring should be same length as user_input) and return the best similarity 
score found across all the possible substrings. Use the calcSimilarity() function 
described above. 
float compareDNA(string DNA, string user_input){ 
    float current_score = 0; 
    float highest_score = 0; 
    float final_score; 
    string substring; 
    /*Loop through each segment and calculating for the highest score*/ 

    // Use i <= instead of i < 
    for (int i = 0; i <= DNA.length()-user_input.length(); i++){ 
     substring = DNA.substr(i,user_input.length()); 
     current_score = calcSimilarity(user_input,substring); 
     if (current_score > highest_score){ 
      highest_score = current_score; 
    cout << highest_score << endl; 
    return highest_score; 

謝謝....經驗教訓 –