我已經知道如何檢查表單上的某些輸入元素是否髒,但我想知道是否有一個快速的方法來只遍歷$ dirty的元素?我知道Angular在元素上設置了一個ng-dirty類,我可以弄清楚如何在jQuery中做到這一點,但我無法弄清楚如何在AngularJS上下文中做到這一點。
我已經知道如何檢查表單上的某些輸入元素是否髒,但我想知道是否有一個快速的方法來只遍歷$ dirty的元素?我知道Angular在元素上設置了一個ng-dirty類,我可以弄清楚如何在jQuery中做到這一點,但我無法弄清楚如何在AngularJS上下文中做到這一點。
/* App Module */
angular.module("dirtyFilter", []).
filter("returnDirtyItems", function() {
return function (modelToFilter, form, treatAsDirty, removeTheseCharacters) {
//removes pristine items
//note: treatAsDirty must be an array containing the names of items that should not be removed
for (var key in modelToFilter) {
//delete the item if:
// * it exists on the form and is pristine, or...
// * does not exist on the form
//console.log("checking " + key + " for pristine and found it is " + form[key].$pristine);
//console.log("key " + key + " did not have an element in the form");
if (removeTheseCharacters != undefined && removeTheseCharacters.length > 0) {
for (var CA = 0, len = removeTheseCharacters.length; CA < len; CA++) {
//console.log("Index of " + key + " is: " + modelToFilter[key].indexOf(removeTheseCharacters[CA]));
if (modelToFilter[key].indexOf(removeTheseCharacters[CA]) >= 0) {
modelToFilter[key] = modelToFilter[key].replace(removeTheseCharacters[CA], "", "g");
//console.log("getting the index of " + key + " throws an error of " + err + " so we skipped it");
if ((form[key] && form[key].$pristine) || !form[key]) {
//delete the item if the treatAsDirty argument is not present
//console.log("Checking to see if " + key + " is to be treated as always dirty");
//console.log("There is an array present for treatAsDirty");
//delete the item if it is not in the treatAsDirty array
if(treatAsDirty.indexOf(key) == -1){
//console.log("The item " + key + " was not found in the always dirty array and has been deleted");
//remove the pristine item from the parent object
delete modelToFilter[key];
} else {
//console.log("The item " + key + " was found in the always dirty array and has been kept");
} else {
//console.log("There is no array present for dirty items, so " + key + " will be removed");
//remove the pristine item from the parent object
delete modelToFilter[key];
return modelToFilter;
完美工作。謝謝! – Photovor
看到它在行動你在尋找的東西就像一個過濾器? – MBielski
因此,您可以通過在自定義指令中抓取NgFormController的實例來完成此操作。但是,真正的問題是,如果你想迭代這些元素?什麼是你的功能用例? –
大型表單預先填充了數據。我想通過$ http POST發送更新的字段。 – Photovor