2016-07-07 60 views



import java.util.*; 
import java.math.*; 
import java.text.*; 

public class CorrectChange { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 

     Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); 

     BigDecimal AmtDue;  
     BigDecimal AmtPaid; 

     NumberFormat n = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US); 

     //User enters the amount that the customer owes 
     System.out.println("Enter the amount below that is due to be paid."); 
      AmtDue = input.nextBigDecimal(); 

      //Converts user's input into the currency format 
      AmtDue = AmtDue.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); 
       double dAmtDue = AmtDue.doubleValue(); 
        String eAmtDue = n.format(dAmtDue); 

     //User enters the amount that the customer paid  
     System.out.println("Enter the amount below that has been paid."); 
      AmtPaid = input.nextBigDecimal(); 

      //Converts user's input into the currency format 
      AmtPaid = AmtPaid.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); 
       double dAmtPaid = AmtPaid.doubleValue(); 
        String eAmtPaid = n.format(dAmtPaid); 

      //Checks to see if the amount paid is more than the amount owed 
      if (AmtDue.compareTo(AmtPaid)> 0){ 
       double dBal = AmtDue.subtract(AmtPaid).doubleValue(); 
       String eBal = n.format(dBal); 
       System.out.println("You still owe: " + eBal.toString()); 

      //Checks to see if the amount owed is more than the amount paid 
      if (AmtDue.compareTo(AmtPaid)< 0){ 
       int cBal = (AmtPaid.compareTo(AmtDue)*100); 
       double dBal = AmtPaid.subtract(AmtDue).doubleValue(); 
       String eBal = n.format(dBal); 

        int DolBills = (int) (dBal/1); 
        dBal = dBal % 1; 

        int quarters = (int) (dBal/25); 
        dBal = dBal % 25; 

        int dimes = (int) (cBal/10); 
        cBal = cBal % 10; 

        int nickles = (int) (cBal/5); 
        cBal = cBal % 5; 

        //pennies = (int) (dBal/100); 
        //dBal = dBal % 100; 

       System.out.println("You owe a balance of " + eAmtDue.toString() + ". Since you paid the amount of " + eAmtPaid.toString() + " your change is " + eBal.toString()); 
       System.out.println("Your change amount is as follows:\n" + 
        "\t" + DolBills + " $1 dollar bills \n" + 
        "\t" + quarters + " quarters \n" + 
        "\t" + dimes + " dimes \n" + 
        "\t" + nickles + " nickels \n"); 
        "\t" + numPennies + " pennies"; 


      //Checks to see if the amount paid is equal to the amount owed 
      if (AmtDue.compareTo(AmtPaid)== 0){ 
        System.out.println("Your balance has been paid. Thank you for your business."); 


使用調試器來了解發生了什麼 – Jens


您向我們展示了您的預期結果,但是當您執行該程序時,您的結果是什麼? –





import java.util.*; 
import java.math.*; 
import java.text.*; 

public class CorrectChange { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 

     Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); 

     BigDecimal AmtDue;  
     BigDecimal AmtPaid; 

     NumberFormat n = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US); 

     //User enters the amount that the customer owes 
     System.out.println("Enter the amount below that is due to be paid."); 
      AmtDue = input.nextBigDecimal(); 

      //Converts user's input into the currency format 
      AmtDue = AmtDue.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); 
       double dAmtDue = AmtDue.doubleValue(); 
        String eAmtDue = n.format(dAmtDue); 

     //User enters the amount that the customer paid  
     System.out.println("Enter the amount below that has been paid."); 
      AmtPaid = input.nextBigDecimal(); 

      //Converts user's input into the currency format 
      AmtPaid = AmtPaid.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); 
       double dAmtPaid = AmtPaid.doubleValue(); 
        String eAmtPaid = n.format(dAmtPaid); 

      //Checks to see if the amount paid is more than the amount owed 
      if (AmtDue.compareTo(AmtPaid)> 0){ 
       double dBal = AmtDue.subtract(AmtPaid).doubleValue(); 
       String eBal = n.format(dBal); 
       System.out.println("You still owe: " + eBal.toString()); 

      //Checks to see if the amount owed is more than the amount paid 
      if (AmtDue.compareTo(AmtPaid)< 0){ 
       double dBal = AmtPaid.subtract(AmtDue).doubleValue(); 
       String eBal = n.format(dBal); 

        int DolBills = (int) (dBal/1); 
        dBal = dBal % 1.0; 

        int quarters = (int) (dBal/.25); 
        dBal = dBal % .25; 

        int dimes = (int) (dBal/.10); 
        dBal = dBal % .10; 

        int nickles = (int) (dBal/.05); 
        dBal = dBal % .05; 

        int numPennies = (int) (dBal/.01); 
        //dBal = dBal % 0.01; 

       System.out.println("You owe a balance of " + eAmtDue.toString() + ". Since you paid the amount of " + eAmtPaid.toString() + " your change is " + eBal.toString()); 
       System.out.println("Your change amount is as follows:\n" + 
        "\t" + DolBills + " $1 dollar bills \n" + 
        "\t" + quarters + " quarters \n" + 
        "\t" + dimes + " dimes \n" + 
        "\t" + nickles + " nickels \n" + 
        "\t" + numPennies + " pennies"); 


      //Checks to see if the amount paid is equal to the amount owed 
      if (AmtDue.compareTo(AmtPaid)== 0){ 
        System.out.println("Your balance has been paid. Thank you for your business."); 




謝謝Yogesh_D。您的解決方案正是我需要的!它完美的作品。就像我說的,我對Java很新,一般編程。我很想知道我所做的命名和編碼慣例錯誤。 – BWMustang13


AmtPaid - 不是一個好的變量名,應該是amtPaid,另一個例子是NumberFormat n。此外,將方法分解爲各種更小的方法也是明智的。你也許可以優化用於存儲數據的變量數量。谷歌有一點關於Java公約你應該得到一箇舊的太陽文檔。 –


再次感謝Yogesh_D。在你提到它之後,我今天回去瞭解了你對AmtPaid和NumberFormat的看法。感謝您的幫助和建議。 – BWMustang13