每次構建並運行我的項目文件時,一旦與其交互,就會崩潰。Codeblocks project.exe已停止工作C
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
float complexnumber, a, b, r, j, theta;
j = -1;
complexnumber = a+b*j;
printf ("Please enter intput A and B in the form of a+bj\n");
printf ("Input A:");
scanf ("%f" , a);
printf ("Input B:");
scanf ("%f" , b);
theta = atan (a/b);
printf ("Theta=\n" , theta);
r = sqrt (pow(a, 2) + pow(b , 2));
printf ("R=\n" , r);
return 0;
這是一個恥辱'scanf'不能確保適當的類型。 – chris 2013-04-06 18:38:34
當'a'和'b'都未初始化時,爲什麼你有'complexnumber = a + b * j'這行?當你說「當我與它互動」時,你具體指的是哪一點?你輸入什麼值? – 2013-04-06 18:41:10