2014-10-27 32 views

我想使用一個水平滑塊,它包含一個或多個幻燈片中的一個垂直滑塊(它將被動態構建)。我測試了下面這段代碼,但我想向垂直滑塊添加垂直箭頭,直到現在我無法成功。 我嘗試使用AppendForwardToAppendBackwardTo,但它似乎只適用於第一個水平滑塊。所以我想知道如果有人已經得到了這個要求和問題...anythingslider輔助滑塊中的垂直箭頭

     <div style="height: 450px;"> 
      <div id="Div2"> 
      <ul id="slider"> 
       <li> <h2> H1 First Slide of the master horizontal slider</h2></li>  
       <li> <h2> H2 Second Slide of the master horizontal slider</h2> </li> 
       <li> <h2> H3 Third Slide of the master horizontal slider</h2> </li> 
        <div style="height: 350px;"> 
         <div id="arrow-up">       
         <ul id="slider2"> 
          <li> <h2> V1 First Slide of the secondary vertical slider in slide H4</h2></li>  
          <li> <h2> V2 Second Slide of the secondary vertical slider in slide H4</h2> </li> 
          <li> <h2> V3 Third Slide of the secondary vertical slider in slide H4</h2> </li> 
         <div id="arrow-down"> 
       <li> <h2> H5 Fifth Slide of the master horizontal slider</h2> </li> 
       <div id="Div1"> 
     $(document).ready(function() { 
       theme: 'minimalist-square', 
       buildArrows: true, 
       expand: true, 
       infiniteSlides: false, 
       stopAtEnd: true, 
//    appendForwardTo: $('#Div1'), 
//    appendBackTo: $('#Div2'), 
       autoPlay: false 
       theme: 'minimalist-square', 
       buildArrows: true, 
       expand: true, 
       vertical: true, 
//    appendForwardTo: $('#arrow-down'), 
//    appendBackTo: $('#arrow-up'), 
       autoPlay: false 
     }); // end ready 

隨着我繼續搜索,我發現我的兩個滑塊上不能有兩個不同的主題。 – 2014-10-27 16:40:51




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