2017-02-09 35 views

HTML 我不能擺脫以上HTML5視頻這種差距(在移動設備上)

<div class="NavAlignLeft"><a href="/">Site Name</a></div> 

    <div class="NavAlignRight"> 
<!-- Change this to an include later -->   
<ul class="topnav" id="myTopnav"> 
<li><a href="#home">Home</a></li> 
<li><a href="#news">News</a></li> 
<li><a href="#contact">Contact</a></li> 
<li><a href="#about">About</a></li> 
<li class="icon"> 
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="myFunction()">&#9776;</a> 

    <div style="clear:both;"></div>  


<!-- Video test --> 

<div id="video_overlays"> 

<div class="abovethefold"> 
    <h1 class="blog-title"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></h1> 
    <?php $description = get_bloginfo('description', 'display'); ?> 
    <?php if($description) { ?><p class="blog-description"><?php echo $description ?></p><?php } ?> 

     <p class="button"> 
<a class="blue-button" href="#cta">Call to Action</a></p> 

<div class="homepage-hero-module"> 
<div class="video-container"> 
    <div class="filter"></div> 
    <video autoplay loop class="fillWidth"> 
     <source src="http://scott.ewarena.com/blog/wp-content/themes/bootstrapstarter/Busy-People/MP4/Busy-People.mp4" type="video/mp4" />Your browser does not support the video tag. I suggest you upgrade your browser. 
     <source src="http://scott.ewarena.com/blog/wp-content/themes/bootstrapstarter/Busy-People/WEBM/Busy-People.webm" type="video/webm" />Your browser does not support the video tag. I suggest you upgrade your browser. 
     <img src="http://scott.ewarena.com/blog/wp-content/themes/bootstrapstarter/Busy-People/Snapshot/Busy-People.jpg" title="Your browser does not support the <video> tag"> 
           <div class="poster hidden"> 
     <img src="http://scott.ewarena.com//blog/wp-content/themes/bootstrapstarter/Busy-People/Snapshots/Busy-People.jpg" alt=""> 


 body { 
      background-color: #e2e2e2; 
      margin: 0px; 

     h1, .h1, 
     h2, .h2, 
     h4, .h4, 
     h5, .h5, 
     h6, .h6 { 
      margin-top: 0; 
      font-family: 'Vollkorn', serif; 
      font-style: oblique; 
      font-weight: normal; 
      color: #2e2e2e; 

     h3, .h3 { 
     font-family: 'Vollkorn', serif;  
     font-weight: bold;  
     font-size: 30px;  
     color: #fff;  

     .NavAlignLeft {  
     font-family: 'Vollkorn', serif;  
     /*font-style: oblique;*/  
     font-weight: bold;  
     font-size: 22px;  
     color: #fff;  
     float: left; 
     padding-left: 40px; 

     .NavAlignLeft:hover { 
      font-family: 'Vollkorn', serif; 
     text-decoration: none; 

     .NavAlignRight {  
     font-family: 'Vollkorn', serif;  
     font-weight: bold;  
     font-size: 22px;  
     color: #fff;  
     float: right; 
     padding-right: 40px; 

     .NavAlignLeft, .NavAlignRight { 
      /*{ width: 50%; Commenting this out made the nav align completely to the right.*/ 
     display: inline-block; 

     a, .a, 
     a:visited, .a:visited, 
     a:active, .a:active { 
      font-family: 'Vollkorn'; 
      font-style: none; color: #e2e2e2;  text-decoration: none; 

     a:hover, .a:hover { 
      font-family: 'Vollkorn'; 
      font-style: none; color: #fff;  text-decoration: none; 
     * Override Bootstrap's default container. 

     /*@media (min-width: 1200px) { 
      .container { 
      width: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; vertical-align: middle; 
     } .container2 { width: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; } 

     Nothing changed */ 

     * Masthead for nav 

     #blog-masthead { 
      background-color: #2e2e2e; 
      height: 40px; 
      width: 100%;  
      line-height: 40px; 
      /*z-index: 2; 
      /*vertical-align: middle; 

      padding-bottom: 0px;  
      padding-left: 10px;  
      padding-right: 10px; Nothing Changed */ 
      -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 2px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.41); 
      -moz-box-shadow: 0px 2px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.41); 
      box-shadow: 0px 2px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.41);  
      border-bottom: 1px solid #1a1a1a; 

     .abovethefold { 
     background-color: transparent; 
     /*background-image: url("https://static1.squarespace.com/static/518d3dc6e4b00ba5bf4a06b0/t/586e223e197aea98191b014e/1483612772641/photodune-17121963-coffee-shop-owner-standing-at-the-counter-l.jpg"); */ 
     /*height: 250px; 
     width: 100%; 
     /*padding-top: 100px;*/ 
     /*vertical-align: middle; 
     .overlay { 
     height: 250px; 
     width: 100%Nothing changed.*/ 

     /* Nav links */ 

     .blog-nav-item { 
      /*position: relative; 
      display: inline-block; 
      padding: 5px; 
      color: #2e2e2e; nothing changed*/ 
     .blog-nav-item:focus { 
      color: #fff; 
      text-decoration: none; 

     /* Active state gets a caret at the bottom */ 
     .blog-nav .active { 
      color: #fff; 
     .blog-nav .active:after { 
      /*position: absolute; 
      bottom: 0; 
      left: 50%; 
      width: 0; 
      height: 0; 
      margin-left: -5px; 
      vertical-align: middle; 
      content: " "; 
      border-right: 5px solid transparent; 
      border-bottom: 5px solid; 
      border-left: 5px solid transparent; Nothing Changed*/ 
     .menu-menu-1-container { 
     /*width: 100%;  
     vertical-align: middle; 
     padding-top: 0px;  
     padding-bottom: 0px;  
     padding-left: 10px;  
     padding-right: 10px; Nothing changed*/} 

     * Blog name and description 

     .blog-header { 
      padding-top: 20px; 
      padding-bottom: 20px; 

     .blog-title { 
      margin-top: 0px; 
      margin-bottom: 0; 
     line-height: 80px; 
     margin-top: 100px; 
      font-size: 60px;  
      font-weight: normal; 
      color: #fff; 

     .blog-description { 
      font-size: 30px; 
      font-style: 'Open Sans'; 
      font-weight: bold; 
      text-align: center; 
      color: #2e2e2e; 

     .blog-main { 
      font-size: 18px; 
      line-height: 1.5; nothing changed 

     /* Buttons */ 

     .green-button,.green-button:link,.green-button:visited,.blue-button,.blue-button:link,.red-button,.red-button:link,.purple-button,.purple-button:link,.teal-button,.teal-button:link,.orange-button,.orange-button:link,.grey-button,.grey-button:link,.grey-button:visited,.lt-grey-button,.lt-grey-button:link,.lt-grey-button:visited,.shop_table .actions .button,.oldernewer a:link,.oldernewer a:visited,.woocommerce-message .button,#place_order,html body div .quiz-submit, input.course-start { 
     display: block; 
     border: 0; 
     text-align: center; 
     font-size: 20px !important; 
     padding: 10px 20px; 
     width: 180px; 

     p.button { 
     text-align: center; 

     p.button:hover {  
     text-align: center; 
     text-decoration: none; 

     p.button a {  
     margin:0 auto; 
     font-family: 'Vollkorn', serif; 
     font-style: none; 
     text-decoration: none; 

     .blue-button,.blue-button:link,.blue-button:visited { 
     background: #2f75c5;  
     color: #f8f8f8 !important; 
     text-decoration: none; 

     .blue-button:hover {  
     background: #3584de;  
     cursor: pointer;  
     text-decoration: none; 

     .blue-button:active { 
     background: #2966ab; 
     font-style: none;} 

     /* Sidebar modules for boxing content */ 
     /* Sidebars arent being used 
     .sidebar-module { 
      padding: 15px; 
      margin: 0 -15px 15px; 
     .sidebar-module-inset { 
      padding: 15px; 
      background-color: #f5f5f5; 
      border-radius: 4px; 
     .sidebar-module-inset p:last-child, 
     .sidebar-module-inset ul:last-child, 
     .sidebar-module-inset ol:last-child { 
      margin-bottom: 0; 


     /* Pagination */ 
     .pager { 
      /*margin-bottom: 60px; 
      text-align: left;nothing changed*/ 
     .pager > li > a { 
     /* width: 140px; 
      padding: 10px 20px; 
      text-align: center; 
      border-radius: 0px;  
      list-style: none; nothing changed*/ 

     * Blog posts 

     .blog-post { 
      margin:50px 50px 0; 
     .blog-post-title { 
      margin-bottom: 5px; 
      font-size: 40px; color: #2e2e2e; 

     .subtitle { 
     font-size: 1.2em;  
     font-family: 'Vollkorn'; 
     color: #2e2e2e; 

     .blog-post-meta { 
      margin-bottom: 20px; 
      color: #999; 

     * Footer 

     .blog-footer { 
      padding: 40px 0; 
      color: #999; 
      text-align: center; 
      background-color: #2e2e2e; 
      border-top: 1px solid #1a1a1a; 
      -webkit-box-shadow: 2px -5px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.41); 
     -moz-box-shadow: 2px -5px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.41); 
     box-shadow: 2px -5px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.41); 

     .blog-footer p:last-child { 
      margin-bottom: 0; 

     /*** lyrathemes - custom styling ***/ 

     .page_item { 
     list-style: none; 
     font-size: 22px; 
     text-decoration: none; 

     .page_item:hover { 
      list-style: none; 
      text-decoration: none; 

     ul.blog-nav { 
     /*list-style: none;*/ 
     /* Nav links */ 
     .menu-item a{ 
      position: relative; 
      /*display: inline-block; keep this commented out - moved navigation vertically.*/ 
      padding: 10px; 
      color: #e2e2e2; 

     .menu-item a:hover, 
     .menu-item a:focus { 
      color: #fff; 
      text-decoration: none; 

     /* Active state gets a caret at the bottom */ 
     .menu-item.current-menu-item a{ 
      color: #fff; 
     .menu-item.current-menu-item a:after { 
      position: absolute; 
      bottom: 0; 
      left: 50%; 
      width: 0; 
      height: 0; 
      margin-left: -5px; 
      vertical-align: middle; 
      /*content: " ";*/ 
     /* border-right: 5px solid transparent; 
      border-bottom: 5px solid; 
      border-left: 5px solid transparent;*/ 
      -webkit-box-shadow: 0px -2px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.41); 
      -moz-box-shadow: 0px -2px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.41); 
      box-shadow: 0px -2px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.41); 

     /*Not using side bars 
     .sidebar-module ul { 
      list-style: none; 
      padding-left: 0; 

     /* Video CSS */ 
     .homepage-hero-module { 
      border-right: none; 
      border-left: none; 
      position: relative; 
      width: auto; 
      height: 400px; 
     .no-video .video-container video, 
     .touch .video-container video { 
      display: none; 
     .no-video .video-container .poster, 
     .touch .video-container .poster { 
      display: block !important; 
     .video-container { 
      position: absolute; 
      bottom: 0%; 
      left: 0%; 
      height: 100%; 
      width: 100%; 
      overflow: hidden; 
      /*background: #000;*/ 
     .video-container .poster img { 
      width: 100%; 
      bottom: 0; 
      position: absolute; 
     .video-container .filter { 
      /*z-index: 100;*/ 
      position: absolute; 
      background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); 
      width: 100%; 
     .video-container video { 
      position: absolute; 
      /*z-index: 0;*/ 
      bottom: 0; 
     .video-container video.fillWidth { 
      width: 100%; 

     #video_overlays { 

     /* Content Table Styles */ 

     #green-table { 
     background-color: #ebf2e6; 
     width: 50%; 
     padding-top: 15px; 
     padding-bottom: 15px; 
     padding-left: 40px; 
     padding-right: 40px; 
     text-align: center; 
     margin: auto; 
     margin-bottom: 30px; 
     border: 1px solid #d6e8c5; 

     #dark-table { 
     background-color: #2e2e2e; 
     width: 100%; 
     padding-top: 15px; 
     padding-bottom: 15px; 
     padding-left: 40px; 
     padding-right: 40px; 
     text-align: center; 
     margin-bottom: 30px; 

     #light-table { 
     background-color: #e2e2e2; 
     width: 100%; 
     padding-top: 15px; 
     padding-bottom: 15px; 
     padding-left: 40px; 
     padding-right: 40px; 
     text-align: center; 
     margin-bottom: 30px; 

     #dark-narrow-table { 
     background-color: #2e2e2e; 
     /*background-image: url("https://static1.squarespace.com/static/518d3dc6e4b00ba5bf4a06b0/t/586e223e197aea98191b014e/1483612772641/photodune-17121963-coffee-shop-owner-standing-at-the-counter-l.jpg"); */ 
     width: 50%; 
     padding-top: 15px; 
     padding-bottom: 15px; 
     padding-left: 40px; 
     padding-right: 40px; 
     text-align: center; 
     margin-bottom: 30px; 
     margin: auto; 

     /*Heading Styles*/ 

     #light-table-head-style { 

     font-family: 'Droid Serif'; 
     font-size: 45px; 
     color: #2e2e2e; 


     #dark-table-head-style { 

     font-family: 'Droid Serif'; 
     font-size: 45px; 
     color: #e2e2e2; 


     #green-table-head-style { 

     font-family: 'Droid Serif'; 
     font-size: 45px; 
     color: #2e2e2e; 



     font-family: 'Droid Serif'; 
     font-size: 45px; 
     color: #e2e2e2; 


     /*Content Paragraph Styles*/ 

     #light-table-paragraph { 

     font-family: 'Droid Serif'; 
     font-size: 22px; 
     color: #2e2e2e; 
     text-align: left; 


     #dark-table-paragraph { 

     font-family: 'Droid Serif'; 
     font-size: 22px; 
     color: #e2e2e2; 


     #dark-narrow-table-paragraph { 

     font-family: 'Droid Serif'; 
     font-size: 22px; 
     color: #e2e2e2; 


     #green-table-paragraph { 

     font-family: 'Droid Serif'; 
     font-size: 22px; 
     color: #2e2e2e; 
     text-align: left; 


     /* Hamburger Test */ 

     /* Remove margins and padding from the list, and add a black background color */ 
     ul.topnav { 
      list-style-type: none; 
      margin: 0; 
      padding: 0; 
      overflow: hidden; 
      background-color: #2e2e2e; 

     /* Float the list items side by side */ 
     ul.topnav li {float: left; 
     height: 40px; 

     /* Style the links inside the list items */ 
     ul.topnav li a { 
      display: inline-block; 
      color: #e2e2e2; 
      text-align: center; 
      padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px; 
      text-decoration: none; 
      transition: 0.3s; 
     font-family: 'Vollkorn', serif;  
     font-weight: bold;  
     font-size: 22px;  
     color: #e2e2e2; 

     /* Change background color of links on hover */ 
     ul.topnav li a:hover {background-color: #3b3b3b;} 

     /* Hide the list item that contains the link that should open and close the topnav on small screens */ 
     ul.topnav li.icon {display: none;} 

     /* Hamburger mobile test */ 

     /* When the screen is less than 680 pixels wide, hide all list items, except for the first one ("Home"). Show the list item that contains the link to open and close the topnav (li.icon) */ 
     @media screen and (max-width:680px) { 
      ul.topnav li:not(:first-child) {display: none;} 
      ul.topnav li.icon { 
      float: right; 
      display: inline-block; 

     /* The "responsive" class is added to the topnav with JavaScript when the user clicks on the icon. This class makes the topnav look good on small screens */ 
     @media screen and (max-width:680px) { 
      ul.topnav.responsive {position: relative;} 
      ul.topnav.responsive li.icon { 
      position: absolute; 
      right: 0; 
      top: 0; 
      ul.topnav.responsive li { 
      float: none; 
      display: inline; 
      ul.topnav.responsive li a { 
      display: block; 
      text-align: left; 

     /* Fixing Mobile Div Problem */ 

     @media only screen and (max-device-width: 680px) { 

     #green-table { 
     width: 95%; 

     #dark-narrow-table { 
     width: 95%; 

     .NavAlignRight {  
     padding-right: 2px; 

     .NavAlignLeft {  
     padding-left: 2px; 


    //jQuery is required to run this code 
       $(document).ready(function() { 


        initBannerVideoSize('.video-container .poster img'); 
        initBannerVideoSize('.video-container .filter'); 
        initBannerVideoSize('.video-container video'); 

        $(window).on('resize', function() { 
         scaleBannerVideoSize('.video-container .poster img'); 
         scaleBannerVideoSize('.video-container .filter'); 
         scaleBannerVideoSize('.video-container video'); 


       function scaleVideoContainer() { 

        var height = $(window).height() + 5; 
        var unitHeight = parseInt(height) + 'px'; 


       function initBannerVideoSize(element){ 

         $(this).data('height', $(this).height()); 
         $(this).data('width', $(this).width()); 



       function scaleBannerVideoSize(element){ 

        var windowWidth = $(window).width(), 
        windowHeight = $(window).height() + 5, 


         var videoAspectRatio = $(this).data('height')/$(this).data('width'); 


         if(windowWidth < 1000){ 
          videoHeight = windowHeight; 
          videoWidth = videoHeight/videoAspectRatio; 
          $(this).css({'margin-top' : 0, 'margin-left' : -(videoWidth - windowWidth)/2 + 'px'}); 


         $('.homepage-hero-module .video-container video').addClass('fadeIn animated'); 






謝謝! 斯科特


您是否曾嘗試在Chrome等桌面瀏覽器中使用移動模擬器?差距是否仍然出現?如果是這樣,您可以使用開發工具來檢查間隙並查看哪個元素正在創建它。 –


您可以包含圖像快照嗎?這聽起來像是視頻中的縱橫比存在問題,而該元素在移動設備上的大小會導致顯示信箱。 – K3N


謝謝你們,我確實嘗試過一個模擬器,但我想我用了一個垃圾箱,因爲那裏沒有開發工具,加上我的知識太容易發現它 - 我只是在學習! 感謝您花時間看一看,我很感激。 –




.video-container video { 
position: absolute; 
z-index: 0; 
bottom: 0; 

如果刪除bottom: 0;你不會有這樣的問題!



耶穌基督,你是一位絕對的超級明星!謝謝!我全部通過我的代碼行HOURS,一定是錯過了它。謝啦。 –


非常歡迎您,我自己已經與代碼今天惡夢 - 與您的網站goo運氣。 – DeclanPossnett
