假設我在一個單鏈表中有一個頭指針H,我該如何在僞代碼中完成這項工作? 顛倒H指向的單向鏈表中的節點。注意:沒有可以創建的新節點 。數據結構單鏈表
假設我在一個單鏈表中有一個頭指針H,我該如何在僞代碼中完成這項工作? 顛倒H指向的單向鏈表中的節點。注意:沒有可以創建的新節點 。數據結構單鏈表
reverse(node header){
//Return if empty list.
if (h == null) return
//Split the problem into first and rest.
node first = header.start
node rest = first.next
//Return if only one node.
if (rest == null) return
//reverse the rest of the problem, and then point the end of the rest to the old first.
header.start = rest
first.next.next = first
//Set the old first to null, as it is now the last node in the list.
first.next = null
//Point the header H to the new first node.
H.next = rest