我正在學習如何在C中建立鏈接列表。我的程序編譯,但由於某種原因,我不明白,我得到一個分段錯誤。我一直在試圖弄清楚這個問題,但我沒有任何運氣。下面是錯誤代碼:分段錯誤 - 鏈接列表
int len()
struct list * current = head;
int length = 0;
while (current != NULL)
current = current -> next; //move to next node
return length;
struct list * search (int key)
struct list * current = head;
while (current != NULL && current->data != key)
current = current -> next;
if (current != NULL && current -> data == key)
return current;
return NULL;
/* Insert a new data element with key d into the end of the list. */
void insert(int d) // at the end
struct list * current = head;
struct list * new;
while (current -> next != NULL)
current = current -> next;
new = (struct list *)malloc(sizeof(struct list));
new -> data = d;
current -> next = new;
new -> next = NULL;
void insertAfter(int d, int where) // insert at the middle
struct list * marker = head;
struct list * new;
while(marker -> data != where)
marker = marker -> next;
new = (struct list*)malloc(sizeof(struct list));
new -> next = marker -> next;
marker -> next = new;
new -> data = d;
/* Remove the node with value d from the list */
/* assume no duplicated keys in the list */
/* If the list is empty, call prtError() to display an error message and return -1. */
void delete(int d)
struct list * current1 = head;
struct list * current2;
if (len() == 0)
{ //prtError("empty");
if (head -> data == d)
head = head -> next;
//Check if last node contains element
while (current1->next->next != NULL)
current1 = current1->next;
if(current1->next->data == d)
current1->next == NULL;
current1 = head; //move current1 back to front */
while(current1 -> next -> data != d)
current1 = current1 -> next;
current2 = current1 -> next;
current1 -> next = current2 -> next;
while(current1 -> next -> data != d)
在哪個函數中你得到了分段錯誤? – Jashaszun
如果您在調試器中運行它,調試器會在哪裏說分段故障正在發生? – Simon
我不認爲C中保留了'new',但你可能不應該將它用作變量名。你的'delete'函數看起來像是可能的候選者,你有'if(head - > data == d)'不檢查'NULL'和'current1-> next-> next'可能不好, insert'具有'current - > next' w/o'NULL'檢查。 –