2017-09-05 124 views


data = [ 
    title: 'John Doe', 
    departments: [ 
     { name: 'Marketing', slug: 'marketing'}, 
     { name: 'Sales', slug: 'sales'}, 
     { name: 'Administration', slug: 'administration'}, 
    title: 'John Doe Junior', 
    departments: [ 
     { name: 'Operations', slug: 'operations'}, 
     { name: 'Sales', slug: 'sales'}, 
    title: 'Rick Stone', 
    departments: [ 
     { name: 'Operations', slug: 'operations'}, 
     { name: 'Marketing', slug: 'marketin'}, 


operations = [ 
    title: 'John Doe Junior', 
    departments: [ 
     { name: 'Operations', slug: 'operations'}, 
     { name: 'Sales', slug: 'sales'}, 
    title: 'Rick Stone', 
    departments: [ 
     { name: 'Operations', slug: 'operations'}, 
     { name: 'Marketing', slug: 'marketin'}, 

marketing = [ 
    title: 'John Doe', 
    departments: [ 
     { name: 'Marketing', slug: 'marketing'}, 
     { name: 'Sales', slug: 'sales'}, 
     { name: 'Administration', slug: 'administration'}, 
    title: 'Rick Stone', 
    departments: [ 
     { name: 'Operations', slug: 'operations'}, 
     { name: 'Marketing', slug: 'marketin'}, 




const isInDepartment = departmentToCheck => employer => employer.departments.find(department => department.slug == departmentToCheck); 

var departments = []; 
function check(departments, name) { 
    return departments.some(object => name === object.department); 

employees.forEach((employee) => { 
    employee.departments.forEach((department) => { 
     let found = check(departments, department.slug); 
     if (!found) { 
      departments.push({ department: department.slug }); 

departments.forEach((department) => { 
    // push an array of employees to each department 

但是,我不知道如何將員工數組推到數組中的最後一個循環中的對象? 這是fiddle


你嘗試過什麼?您需要使用['Object'](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object#Methods_of_the_Object_constructor)和['Array'](https:// developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array#Methods_2)方法。 – Xufox


@ T.J.Crowder我編輯了問題並修復了語法 – Leff


這是什麼類型的語法?你可以使用console.log來輸出一個乾淨的json變量表示形式,如下所示:console.log(JSON.stringify(someVar)); – Ericson578




編輯:使用您提供的新代碼和上下文this JSFiddle demo顯示它將如何協同工作。

const employees = [ 
    title: 'John Doe', 
    departments: [ 
     { name: 'Marketing', slug: 'marketing'}, 
     { name: 'Sales', slug: 'sales'}, 
     { name: 'Administration', slug: 'administration'} 
    title: 'John Doe Junior', 
    departments: [ 
     { name: 'Operations', slug: 'operations'}, 
     { name: 'Sales', slug: 'sales'} 
    \t { 
    title: 'Rick Stone', 
    departments: [ 
     { name: 'Operations', slug: 'operations'}, 
     { name: 'Marketing', slug: 'marketin'} 

// given a department, this returns a function that checks 
// whether an employee is in the specified department 
// NOTE: the "find" returns the found object (truthy) 
// or undefined (falsy) if no match was found. 
const isInDepartment = 
\t departmentToCheck => 
    \t employee => employee.departments.find(dep => dep.name == departmentToCheck); 

const employeesInMarketing = employees.filter(isInDepartment('Marketing')); 
const employeesInOperations = employees.filter(isInDepartment('Operations')); 

console.log('Employees in marketing', employeesInMarketing); 
console.log('Employees in operations', employeesInOperations);


我不明白這個downvoting的原因,它可以用更多的解釋,但是這不是什麼理由來downvote它 –


謝謝,那是一個非常快(即時據我所知),所以我開始想知道,當你回答一個帶有負分的問題時它是否會自動降級?(不是以前任何這樣的規則的頭,但它會使*一些*感覺)。Btw。我在代碼中添加了一些評論,你認爲還有更多的解釋空間嗎?如果是,在哪裏? – jonahe


非常感謝您的建議,我用您的代碼更新了我的問題,我試圖動態創建一個帶有部門對象的數組,然後檢查員工,但出於某種原因,我沒有獲得明確的值我的功能找到了。 – Leff