2013-08-22 46 views

我需要一個宏,它可以導出同一行中的每個範圍的所有組合(每個都是水平導出)。Excel vba在同一行中創建組合每個



1. A B C D  -------------ABC --ABD--ACD--BCD 
2. E F G H--------------EFG---EFH--EGH--FGH 
3. I G K L----------------IGK----IGL---IKL---GKL 



Private NextRow As Long 

Sub Test() 
Dim V() As Variant, SetSize As Integer, i As Integer 

    SetSize = Cells(2, Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column 
    ReDim V(1 To SetSize) 

    For i = 1 To SetSize 
     V(i) = Cells(2, i).Value 
    Next i 

    NextRow = 4 
    CreateCombinations V, 3, 3 

End Sub 

Sub CreateCombinations(_ 
        OriginalSet() As Variant, _ 
        MinSubset As Integer, MaxSubset As Integer) 

Dim SubSet() As Variant, SubSetIndex As Long 
Dim SubSetCount As Integer, Bit As Integer 
Dim k As Integer, hBit As Integer 
Dim MaxIndex As Long 

hBit = UBound(OriginalSet) - 1 
ReDim SubSet(1 To UBound(OriginalSet)) 

    MaxIndex = 2^UBound(OriginalSet) - 1 
    For SubSetIndex = 1 To MaxIndex 
     SubSetCount = BitCount(SubSetIndex) 
     If SubSetCount >= MinSubset And SubSetCount <= MaxSubset Then 
      k = 1 
      For Bit = 0 To hBit 
       If 2^Bit And SubSetIndex Then 
        SubSet(k) = OriginalSet(Bit + 1) 
        k = k + 1 
       End If 
      Next Bit 
      DoSomethingWith SubSet, SubSetCount 
     End If 
    Next SubSetIndex 
End Sub 

Sub DoSomethingWith(SubSet() As Variant, ItemCount As Integer) 
Dim i As Integer 

    For i = 1 To ItemCount 
     Cells(NextRow, i) = SubSet(i) 
    Next i 
    NextRow = NextRow + 1 
End Sub 

Function BitCount(ByVal Pattern As Long) As Integer 
    BitCount = 0 
    While Pattern 
     If Pattern And 1 Then BitCount = BitCount + 1 
     Pattern = Int(Pattern/2) 
End Function 

歡迎來到SO。你嘗試了什麼? – Arno


謝謝Arno,我嘗試了我在web中發現的模塊。作爲Vba中的新功能,我無法進行自己的更改。 – pshls


您是否可以格式化樣本數據以便更容易理解? 「ABCD」全部在一個單元格中嗎?他們是用空格隔開的嗎? – 2013-08-22 11:26:03





 A  B  C  D E 
2 A  B  C  D {=k_combinations(CONCATENATE(A2;B2;C2;D2);3)} 
3 E  F  G  H {=k_combinations(CONCATENATE(A3;B3;C3;D3);3)} 

請注意,您應該將數組公式列擴展到列F,G,H等,以便獲得所有結果。 (該{}不應被手動插入,它們是陣列式的標記):

  1. 選擇單元格E2,F2,G2,H2,等等到Z2
  2. 鍵入式
  3. 爲了驗證輸入,按下Ctrl + Shift + Enter鍵


Public Function k_combinations(ByVal chLetters As String, ByVal k As Long) As Variant 
Dim chCombinations() As String 
Dim uCount As Long 
Dim vReturn() As Variant 
Dim i As Long 

uCount = Get_k_combinations(chLetters, chCombinations, k) 

ReDim vReturn(0 To uCount - 1) As Variant 

For i = 0 To uCount - 1 
    vReturn(i) = chCombinations(i) 
Next i 

k_combinations = vReturn 

End Function 

Private Function Get_k_combinations(chLetters As String, chCombinations() As String, ByVal k As Long) As Long 

Dim i As Long 
Dim M As Long 
M = Len(chLetters) 

If k > 1 Then 

    Get_k_combinations = 0 
    For i = 1 To M - (k - 1) 
    Dim chLetter As String 
    Dim uNewCombinations As Long 
    Dim chSubCombinations() As String 
    Dim j As Long 
    chLetter = Mid$(chLetters, i, 1) 
    uNewCombinations = Get_k_combinations(Right$(chLetters, M - i), chSubCombinations, k - 1) 
    ReDim Preserve chCombinations(0 To Get_k_combinations + uNewCombinations) As String 
    For j = 0 To uNewCombinations - 1 
    chCombinations(Get_k_combinations + j) = chLetter & chSubCombinations(j) 
    Next j 
    Get_k_combinations = Get_k_combinations + uNewCombinations 
    Next i 


    ReDim chCombinations(0 To M - 1) As String 
    For i = 1 To M 
    chCombinations(i - 1) = Mid$(chLetters, i, 1) 
    Next i 
    Get_k_combinations = M 

End If 

End Function 



嗨d-stroyer.Thanks很多爲您的答案。我只是試試這個,但有一個問題。在這個函數的導出沒有隊列的字母。例如:對於4組字母ABCD,3的組合是ACD。你的功能給了我CDA,我不想要它。是否有一種方法可以修復它? – pshls


另外,當我選擇,爲4組字母ABCD組合2個字母(我改爲{= k_combinations(CONCATENATE(A2; B2; C2; D2); 2)}),只給了我四個梳子,並重復相同。應該返回六種不同的組合。再次感謝您的親切回答。 – pshls


這不是代碼問題。你在E2中輸入了一個公式,然後將它解釋爲F2,......這意味着你在F2中的公式與在E2中的公式不同。正如我在文章中所說,你必須把它寫成一個*數組公式* *! –
