using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace TcKs.FluentSample {
class FluentSample {
Form CreateDialogBox() {
var frm = new Form();
frm.AddTextField("Simple text field:")
.AddTextField("Advanced text field:", null, txt => txt.BackColor = Color.Red)
.AddTextField("Complex text field:", lbl => {
lbl.Click += (_sender, _e) => MessageBox.Show(lbl, "Some informative text.", "Help");
lbl.Font = new Font(lbl.Font, FontStyle.Underline);
lbl.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
txt => {
txt.TextChanged += (_sender, _e) => txt.BackColor = txt.TextLength > 0 ? SystemColors.Window : Color.Red;
txt.DoubleClick += (_sender, _e) => { /* TODO: show lookup dialog */ };
.AddButton(btn => btn.Click += (_sender, _e) => frm.Close());
return frm;
// contains standard extension methods for fluent creation of control
static class StandardControlFluentExtensionMethods {
// this extension method create button and add them to parent
public static T AddButton<T>(this T parent) where T : Control {
return AddButton<T>(parent, (Action<Button>)null);
// this extension method create button and add them to parent, then call initMethod
public static T AddButton<T>(this T parent, Action<Button> initButton) where T : Control {
var button = new Button();
if (null != initButton) { initButton(button); }
return parent;
// contains specialized extension methods for fluent creation of control
static class SpecializedControlFluentExtensionMethods {
public static T AddCloseButton<T>(this T parent, Action<Button> initButton) where T : Control {
return parent.AddButton(btn => {
var frm = btn.FindForm();
if (null != frm) { frm.Close(); }
if (null != initButton) { initButton(btn); }
// contains data-driven extension methods for fluent creation of control
static class DataDrivenControlFluentExtensionMethods {
public static TParent AddTextField<TParent>(this TParent parent, string title) where TParent : Control {
return AddTextField<TParent>(parent, title, (Action<Label>)null, (Action<TextBox>)null);
public static TParent AddTextField<TParent>(this TParent parent, string title, Action<Label> initTitle, Action<TextBox> initEditor) where TParent : Control {
Label lblTitle = new Label();
// lblTitle .....
if (null != initTitle) { initTitle(lblTitle); }
TextBox txtEditor = new TextBox();
// txtEditor ....
if (null != initEditor) { initEditor(txtEditor); }
return parent;
public static TParent AddErrorProvider<TParent>(this TParent parent) where TParent : Control {
return AddErrorProvider(parent, (Action<ErrorProvider>)null);
public static TParent AddErrorProvider<TParent>(this TParent parent, Action<ErrorProvider> initErrorProvider) where TParent : Control {
// create and/or initilaize error provider
return parent;
可以提供流暢的界面的樣本? – 2009-08-09 12:35:51
rAyt,我試圖發現的一部分是流暢接口的用法應該看起來像 – 2009-08-09 12:52:02
爲什麼不告訴我們「對話框」到底是什麼意思?你需要一個消息框,一個表單或其他東西嗎? – 2009-08-12 07:58:42