根據設備類型,它會複製電子表格中的一個範圍,並將其粘貼到Word文檔(bmInternal和bmExternal)中的兩個書籤位置。我嘗試使用PasteAppendTable,但這隻能使用一次。如果我嘗試使用它兩次,對於每個書籤,它都不會複製任何內容。因此,我使用Paste for one和PasteAppendTable for第二種方法(PasteAppendTable更簡潔,格式更好)。
Sub Data2Word()
Application.GoTo Reference:=ActiveSheet.Range("A2")
On Error Resume Next
Dim vItem As String
'Dim vImagePath As String
Dim vCurrentRow As Integer
Dim vDesc As String
Dim vN2 As String
Dim vGuide As String
Dim vUnit As String
Dim vBlock As String
Dim wrdPic As Word.InlineShape
Dim rng As Excel.Range 'our source range
Dim rngText As Variant
Dim rngText2 As Variant
Dim wdApp As New Word.Application 'a new instance of Word
Dim wdDoc As Word.Document 'our new Word template
Dim myWordFile As String 'path to Word template
Dim wsExcel As Worksheet
Dim tmpAut
'Find Item and type
vItem = ActiveCell.Value
vDesc = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2)
vN2 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1)
vGuide = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3)
vBlock = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4)
vUnit = Left(vItem, 3)
If ActiveSheet.Range("rngREPORTED") = "Yes" Then
MsgBox vItem & " already has a report."
Exit Sub
End If
'initialize the Word template path
'here, it's set to be in the same directory as our source workbook
myWordFile = "W:\Entity\Inspect\WORD\INSPECTION TEMPLATES\Inspection Template - 20160511.dotx"
'open a new word document from the template
Set wdDoc = wdApp.Documents.Add(myWordFile)
If vGuide = "IGE01" Then
rngText = "rngEXCH"
rngText2 = "rngEXCHE"
ElseIf ActiveCell.Offset(, 4) = "Mono" Then
'Do Mono
rngText = "rngMONO"
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="rngItemSub", RefersTo:=Worksheets("SubEquipment").Range("B" & ActiveCell.Offset(0, 6) & ":C" & ActiveCell.Offset(0, 7) + ActiveCell.Offset(0, 6))
rngText = "rngItemSub"
End If
'Insert Tables
'get the range of the data
Set rng = Range(rngText)
rng.Copy 'copy the range
wdDoc.Bookmarks("bmInternal").Range.Paste 'AppendTable
If vGuide = "IGE01" Then
Set rng = Range(rngText2)
End If
wdDoc.Bookmarks("bmItem").Range.InsertAfter vItem
wdDoc.Bookmarks("bmDesc").Range.InsertAfter vDesc
wdDoc.Bookmarks("bmN2").Range.InsertAfter vN2
wdDoc.Bookmarks("bmGuide").Range.InsertAfter vGuide
wdDoc.Bookmarks("bmBlock").Range.InsertAfter vBlock
wdDoc.Variables("wvItem").Value = vItem
With wdDoc
Set wrdPic = .Bookmarks("bmImage").Range.InlineShapes.AddOLEObject(ClassType:="AcroExch.Document.7", Filename:="W:\Entity\Inspect\T&I\2016\Various Items\Photos\Sorted\" & vItem & ".pdf", LinkToFile:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=False)
wrdPic.ScaleHeight = 55
wrdPic.ScaleWidth = 55
End With
wdApp.Visible = True
wdDoc.SaveAs "W:\Entity\Inspect\WSDATA\REPORTS\2016\" & vUnit & "\" & vItem & " " & vN2 & " THO.docx" 'Mid(ActiveDocument.Name, 1, Len(ActiveDocument.Name) - 4)
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("AllItems").Range("G" & ActiveCell.Offset(0, 8)).Value = "Yes"
End Sub
「不能正常工作」的描述不夠充分,請告訴我們拋出了什麼錯誤。 –
刪除'On Error Resume Next'並查看它的功能。這告訴它如果出現錯誤而不是暫停並通知您,就繼續前進。 – arcadeprecinct
@arcadeprecinct:啊!是的好主意! –