// Split the string by | to an array of pathes
$arr = explode('|', $string);
$xml = '';
foreach ($arr as $s) {
// Split a string by the point char to an array of items
$path = explode('.', $s);
// set the pointer to tho root of the xml array
$p = &$xml;
// Walk along the path
foreach($path as $item) {
// If this node does not exist
if (!isset($p[$item])) {
// if this level does not exist (item parent is not an array), make it
if(!is_array($p)) $p = array();
$p[$item] = '';
// move the pointer to this item
$p = &$p[$item];
array(1) {
["SALES_ORDERS"]=> array(1) {
["ORDER_SLIP"]=> array(5) {
["NUMBER"]=> string(0) ""
["DATE"]=> string(0) ""
["ARP_CODE"]=> string(0) ""
["NOTES1"]=> string(0) ""
["TRANSACTIONS"]=> array(1) {
["TRANSACTION"]=> array(1) {
["TYPE"]=> &string(0) ""
} } } } }
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define PATH '|'
#define NODE '.'
#define EOS 0
#define NULL 0
class node {
char *name = NULL;
node *next = NULL, *down = NULL;
// data *void = NULL;
node(char *word = NULL) {
this->name = word;
void echoNode(node *p, int level = 0) {
char *str;
int i;
if (!p) return;
i = level * 4; while (i--) cout << ' ';
cout << "<";
str = p->name; while (*str) cout << *str++;
cout << ">";
if (p->down) {
cout << "\n";
echoNode(p->down, level + 1);
i = level * 4; while (i--) cout << ' ';
cout << "</";
str = p->name; while (*str) cout << *str++;
cout << ">\n";
if (p->next) echoNode(p->next, level);
node * FindChild(char *word) {
node *p = this->down;
while(p) if (!strcmp(p->name, word)) break; else p = p->next;
return p;
node * AddChild(char *word) {
node *p = this;
if(p->down) {
p = p->down;
while (p->next) p = p->next;
p->next = new node;
p = p->next;
else {
p->down = new node;
p = p->down;
p->name = word;
return p;
void main() {
char *p = str;
char *word;
char status;
node *xml = new node("root");
node *pxml, *t;
do {
pxml = xml;
do {
word = p;
while (*p && *p != PATH && *p != NODE) p++;
status = *p;
*p++ = EOS;
if (!(t = pxml->FindChild(word))) pxml = pxml->AddChild(word);
else pxml = t;
} while (status && status != PATH);
} while (status != EOS);
從該示例中不清楚你將如何處理重複?如果有多個(例如)ORDER或TRANSACTION標籤會怎麼樣? –
好問題,我忘了提及。如果有2-3條TRANSACTION線,那麼excel中會有2-3條線,與我在С上寫的Headar Information –
相同。採取更新的答案 – splash58