2017-07-07 79 views




如何創建部門的幾組這樣我就可以seperately存儲數據。 像這樣

OurCompany.Department("Finance").Employee("John") = "Employee Number 100" 
OurCompany.Department("Finance").Employee("Kim") = "Employee Number 101" 
OurCompany.Department("Engineering").Employee("Sam") = "Employee Number 124" 


Private pDepartmentEmployee As Collection 
Public Property Get Department(RefString As String) As cEmployee 

    Set Department = pDepartment.Item(RefString) 

End Property 

Public Property Set Department(RefString As String, ByVal objDepartEmployee As cEmployee) 

    pDepartmentEmployee.Add objDepartEmployee, RefString 

End Property 


Private pEmployee As Collection 
Public Property Get Employee(RefKey As String) As String 

    Employee = pEmployee.Item(RefKey) 

End Property 

Public Property Let Employee(RefKey As String, RefItem As String) 

    pEmployee.Add Item:=RefItem, Key:=RefKey 

End Property 

這是很清楚你的問題是什麼。請再擴展一些。 – Vegard


你顯示爲'cDeparment Class'似乎是'cCompany class',不是嗎? –


我認爲編輯簡化 –






Option Explicit 
Private mDepartmentsList As Object 

Public Property Get Department(ByVal StringKey As String) As Department 
    With mDepartmentsList 
     If Not .Exists(StringKey) Then 
      Dim objDepartment As New Department 
      .Add StringKey, objDepartment 
     End If 
    End With 

    Set Department = mDepartmentsList(StringKey) 
End Property 

Public Property Get Keys() As Variant 
    Keys = mDepartmentsList.Keys 
End Property 

Private Sub Class_Initialize() 
    Set mDepartmentsList = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 
End Sub 

Private Sub Class_Terminate() 
    Set mDepartmentsList = Nothing 
End Sub 


Option Explicit 
Private mEmployeesList As Object 

Public Property Get Employee(ByVal StringKey As String) As String 
    Employee = mEmployeesList(StringKey) 
End Property 

Public Property Let Employee(ByVal StringKey As String, ByVal StringValue As String) 
    mEmployeesList(StringKey) = StringValue 
End Property 

Public Property Get Keys() As Variant 
    Keys = mEmployeesList.Keys 
End Property 

Private Sub Class_Initialize() 
    Set mEmployeesList = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 
End Sub 

Private Sub Class_Terminate() 
    Set mEmployeesList = Nothing 
End Sub 


Option Explicit 

Sub TestCompanyClass() 

    Dim OurCompany As Company 
    Set OurCompany = New Company 

    With OurCompany 
     .Department("Finance").Employee("John") = "Employee Number 100" 
     .Department("Finance").Employee("Kim") = "Employee Number 101" 
     .Department("Engineering").Employee("Sam") = "Employee Number 124" 
    End With 

    Dim d As Variant, e As Variant 
    With OurCompany 
     For Each d In .Keys 
      Debug.Print "Department: " & d 
      For Each e In .Department(d).Keys 
       Debug.Print vbTab & "Employee: " & e & " - " & .Department(d).Employee(e) 
      Next e 
     Next d 
    End With 

    Set OurCompany = Nothing 
End Sub 


Department: Finance 
    Employee: John - Employee Number 100 
    Employee: Kim - Employee Number 101 
Department: Engineering 
    Employee: Sam - Employee Number 124 

感謝您的幫助,該計劃運作良好。 雖然有1部分我不明白,爲什麼沒有任何設置/讓公司類? 我目前的想法,如果我們正在寫入數據的類: OurCompany.Department(「Finance」)。Employee(「John」)=「員工數量100」 不應該有一個集/讓公司類? –


如果仔細觀察,根據請求(屬性Get),將創建一個新的部門對象並將其添加到集合中(如果它不存在)。簡而言之,我需要集合中的這個對象,它是否存在?是的,退還。沒有?創建一個,將其添加到集合並返回。如果您有Set屬性,則必須在高級中聲明部門對象並將其設置爲OurCompany對象。 –


非常感謝你的知識,我會進一步研究它。 現在我試圖使它初始化Excel表中的所有信息,以便通過將RefString插入Department(RefString)中來提取信息 –



Company -> has Departments -> Department -> has Employees -> Employee 


Dim col As VBA.Collection 
Set col = New VBA.Collection 

col.Add 123, CStr(123) 
col.Add Range("A1:C3"), "Range(""A1:C3"")" 
col.Add "banana", "banana" 

Dim wing As Employee 
Set wing = New Employee 
wing.Id = 200 
wing.Name = "Wing" 

col.Add wing, CStr(wing.Id) 

Debug.Print col.Count ' Prints 4 



Private m_departmets As Departmets 

Public Property Get Departmets() As Departmets 
    Set Departmets = m_departmets 
End Property 

Private Sub Class_Initialize() 
    Set m_departmets = New Departmets 
End Sub 


Private m_items As VBA.Collection 

Private Sub Class_Initialize() 
    Set m_items = New VBA.Collection 
End Sub 

Public Sub AddItem(newItem As Department) 
    m_items.Add newItem, newItem.Name 
End Sub 

Public Function GetItem(Name As String) As Department 
    Set GetItem = m_items(Name) 
End Function 

Private m_name As String 
Private m_employees As Employees 

Public Property Get Name() As String 
    Name = m_name 
End Property 

Public Property Let Name(ByVal vNewValue As String) 
    m_name = vNewValue 
End Property 

Public Property Get Employees() As Employees 
    Set Employees = m_employees 
End Property 

Private Sub Class_Initialize() 
    Set m_employees = New Employees 
End Sub 


Private m_items As VBA.Collection 

Private Sub Class_Initialize() 
    Set m_items = New VBA.Collection 
End Sub 

Public Sub AddItem(newItem As Employee) 
    m_items.Add newItem, VBA.CStr(newItem.Id) 
End Sub 

Public Function GetItem(Id As Long) As Employee 
    Set GetItem = m_items(VBA.CStr(Id)) 
End Function 


Private m_name As String 
Private m_id As Long 

Public Property Get Name() As String 
    Name = m_name 
End Property 

Public Property Let Name(ByVal vNewValue As String) 
    m_name = vNewValue 
End Property 

Public Property Get Id() As Long 
    Id = m_id 
End Property 

Public Property Let Id(ByVal vNewValue As Long) 
    m_id = vNewValue 
End Property 


Sub Test() 
    Dim john As Employee 
    Dim kim As Employee 
    Dim sam As Employee 
    Dim financeDepartment As Department 
    Dim engineeringDepartment As Department 
    Dim ourCompany As Company 

    Set john = New Employee 
    Set kim = New Employee 
    Set sam = New Employee 

    john.Name = "John" 
    john.Id = 100 
    kim.Name = "Kim" 
    kim.Id = 101 
    sam.Name = "Sam" 
    sam.Id = 124 

    Set financeDepartment = New Department 
    Set engineeringDepartment = New Department 

    financeDepartment.Name = "Finance" 
    engineeringDepartment.Name = "Engineering" 

    financeDepartment.Employees.AddItem john 
    financeDepartment.Employees.AddItem kim 
    engineeringDepartment.Employees.AddItem sam 

    Set ourCompany = New Company 
    ourCompany.Departmets.AddItem financeDepartment 
    ourCompany.Departmets.AddItem engineeringDepartment 

    Debug.Print ourCompany.Departmets.GetItem("Finance").Employees.GetItem(100).Name 
    Debug.Print ourCompany.Departmets.GetItem("Finance").Employees.GetItem(101).Name 
    Debug.Print ourCompany.Departmets.GetItem("Engineering").Employees.GetItem(124).Name 

    ' Change name of Sam to Samuel 
    ourCompany.Departmets.GetItem("Engineering").Employees.GetItem(124).Name = "Samuel" 
    Debug.Print ourCompany.Departmets.GetItem("Engineering").Employees.GetItem(124).Name 
End Sub 

