2016-10-09 53 views



public static boolean contains(Rectangle r, Point p) 
    // TODO - you need to implement this. May want to use isInBetween 
    return p.x >= r.x && p.y >= r.y && p.x < r.x + r.width && p.y < r.y + r.height;    


package assignment; 

import java.awt.Point; 
import java.awt.Rectangle; 

public class Assignment6 { 

    //this is just sample code demonstrating aliasing 
    public static void aliasing1() 
     Point pt1=new Point(10,10); 
     Point pt2=new Point(5,5); 

     Point alias=pt1; 


     int sumX=pt1.x+pt2.x; 
     int sumY=pt1.y+pt2.y; 

     System.out.println("sumX= "+sumX+ " -sumY= "+sumY); 

    // more sample code 
    public static void playWithRectangles(){ 
     Rectangle r=new Rectangle(10, 10, 5, 7); 
    /* Examples */ 

    * A point is to the left of another if its x coordinate is less than the other 
    public static boolean isToTheLeft(Point p1, Point p2) 
     return p1.x < p2.x; 

    * A point is to the right of another if its x coordinate is bigger than the other 
    public static boolean isToTheRight(Point p1, Point p2) 
     // TODO - you need to implement this 
     return p1.x > p2.x; 

    * We use 'screen coordinates', with y=0 being at the top of the screen and growing downwards 
    * so a point is above another if its y coordinate is less 
    public static boolean isAbove(Point p1, Point p2) 
     return p1.y<p2.y; 

    /* isBelow returns true if the first point is below the second one (a point is below another if its y coordinate is bigger) 
    public static boolean isBelow(Point p1, Point p2) 
     // TODO - you need to implement this 
     return p1.y>p2.y; 

    // Example - calculate area of a rectangle 
    public static int getArea(Rectangle r) 
     return r.width*r.height; 

    // Example - grow a rectangle's width and height by a factor. Notice we're modifying the rectangle 
    public static void growRectangle(Rectangle r, int factor) 
     r.width *= factor; 
     r.height *= factor; 

    /* The rectangle has the top-left coordinates (in screen coordinates, y=0 is top, y grows down) 
    * So the bottom-right coordinate can be calculated by adding the width and height to x and y, respectively 
    public Point getBottomRightCorner(Rectangle r) 
     return new Point(r.x+r.width, r.y+r.height); 

    * Returns the center of the rectangle. The center is obtained by adding half the width and half the height to the x and y coordinates respectively 
    * Round DOWN (if needed) when calculating the center. 
    public static Point getCenter(Rectangle r) 
     return new Point(r.x+r.width/2, r.y+r.height/2); 

    * Example Returns true if x is between low and high (inclusive) 
    public static boolean isInBetween(int x, int low, int high) 
     return x>=low && x<=high; 

    * Returns true if the rectangle contains the point; that is, if the point lies within the boundaries of the rectangle 
    * If the point is exactly in the border we still return true. 
    * @param r - the rectangle 
    * @param p - the point 
    * @return true if the point lies within the rectangle or on its border 
    public static boolean contains(Rectangle r, Point p) 
     // TODO - you need to implement this. May want to use isInBetween 
     return p.x >= r.x && p.y >= r.y && p.x < r.x + r.width && p.y < r.y + r.height;  

    /* Person example */ 
    public static void usingPerson() { 
     Person p1=new Person("Orlando","Karam",40); // we construct with first, last names, age 
     System.out.println(p1.getFirstName()); // would print Orlando 
     System.out.println(p1.getLastName()); // would print Karam 
     System.out.println(p1.getAge()); // would print 40 

    /* Example - two people are relatives if they have the same last name :) */ 
    public boolean areRelatives(Person p1, Person p2) 
     return p1.getLastName().equals(p2.getLastName()); 

    /* Example creating a description for a person, with name and age*/ 
    public String getDescription(Person p) 
     return p.getFirstName()+" "+p.getLastName()+" is "+p.getAge()+" years old"; 

    /* return true if the persons' first and last name and age are equal */ 
    public static boolean personEquals(Person p1, Person p2) 
     // TODO - you need to implement this 
     return p1.getFirstName().equals(p2.getFirstName()) && p1.getLastName().equals(p2.getLastName()); 

    /* returns a person's full name, composed of the first name, a space and the last name, as in 
    * Orlando Karam 
    public static String getFullName(Person p) 
     // TODO - you need to implement this 
     return p.getFirstName()+" "+p.getLastName(); 

    /* returns a 'formal' full name, composed of the last name, a comma, a space and the first name, as in 
    * Karam, Orlando 
    public static String getFormalFullName(Person p) 
     // TODO - you need to implement this 
     return p.getLastName()+","+" "+p.getFirstName(); 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     // you can use this as you wish to test or exercise your function. Not graded. 


這裏是執行包含方法的代碼。如果找到了這個點,那麼就給我15分,但是現在它並沒有給我任何分數。 積分將被授予正確的答案!提前致謝。

@Grade(points = 15) 
    public void testContains() { 
     Assert.assertTrue(Assignment6.contains(new Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10), new Point(5, 5))); 
     Assert.assertTrue(Assignment6.contains(new Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10), new Point(0, 0))); 
     Assert.assertTrue(Assignment6.contains(new Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10), new Point(0, 10))); 
     Assert.assertFalse(Assignment6.contains(new Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10), new Point(11, 5))); 
     Assert.assertFalse(Assignment6.contains(new Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10), new Point(5, 15))); 


public static boolean contains(Rectangle r, Point p) 
    // TODO - you need to implement this. May want to use isInBetween 
    return p.x >= r.x && p.y >= r.y && p.x <= r.x + r.width && p.y < =r.y + r.height;    


public static boolean contains(Rectangle r, Point p) 
     return Assignment6.isBetween(p.x,r.x,r.x+r.width) && Assignment6.isBetween(p.y,r.y,r.y+r.height); 

感謝您的幫助! 我的Java很生疏,但除了這部分之外,我還是把它放在了正確的位置。 – rls1982
