所以我試圖從一些c#代碼在dll中運行C++原生函數。而且,它的工作正常,但是,當我在我的函數調用中使用「出」我得到一個內存訪問衝突。這是什麼樣子:調用從c#本地c + +代碼與輸出參數
public static extern IntPtr AddTriangleFixtuers(ShapeDef shapeDef, IntPtr toBody, ref Vector2 vertices, int triangleCount, Vector3 row1, Vector3 row2, out int fixtureCount);
int test = 1;
B2D.AddTriangleFixtuers(def, body.body, ref shapeTriangles[0], shapeTriangles.Length/3, firstRow, secondRow, out test);
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT b2Fixture* __stdcall AddTriangleFixtuers(ShapeDef shapeDef, IntPtr* toBody, b2Vec2* vertices, int triangleCount, b2Vec3 row1, b2Vec3 row2, int& fixtureCount) {
fixtureCount = 0;
b2Fixture* lastFixture = NULL;
return lastFixture;
An exception of type 'System.AccessViolationException' occurred in Assembly-CSharp.DLL but was not handled in user code Additional information: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
您還必須添加P/Invoke定義('[DllImport]'等)。 – Luaan
對不起,我忘了說明這個定義。現在編輯這個問題。 – Enzign
可能重複:stackoverflow.com/questions/26992178/c-sharp-dllimport-with-pointers – Maher