我在窗體構造函數中有兩段代碼。它們相當於95%,但我不知道如何簡單(VB新手,來自PHP/C/C++ /其他非腳本語言)。有人可以幫我嗎?如何製作一個模板,或者只是創建一個共享類或者只是一些全局變量來使用它? :-o簡化訪問VBA代碼
Private Sub AddOne_Click()
If isNull(Forms![Constructor]!FieldOne.value) Then
MsgBox ("Please, fill the field one")
Dim workspace As DAO.workspace
Dim recordset As DAO.recordset
Set workspace = DBEngine.Workspaces(0) 'The current database
workspace.BeginTrans 'Start the transaction buffer
Set recordset = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("One", dbOpenDynaset)
With recordset
!One = Forms![Constructor]!FieldOne.value
End With
workspace.CommitTrans 'Commit the transaction to dataset
MsgBox ("New '" + Forms![Constructor]!FieldOne.value + "' added successfully")
Forms![Constructor]!FieldOne.value = Null
End If
End Sub
Private Sub AddTwo_Click()
If isNull(Forms![Constructor]!FieldTwo.value) Then
MsgBox ("Please, fill the field two")
Dim workspace As DAO.workspace
Dim recordset As DAO.recordset
Set workspace = DBEngine.Workspaces(0) 'The current database
workspace.BeginTrans 'Start the transaction buffer
Set recordset = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Two", dbOpenDynaset)
With recordset
!Two = Forms![Constructor]!FieldTwo.value
End With
workspace.CommitTrans 'Commit the transaction to dataset
MsgBox ("New '" + Forms![Constructor]!FieldTwo.value + "' added successfully")
Forms![Constructor]!FieldTwo.value = Null
End If
End Sub