2017-05-31 33 views

我已經安裝的CKEditor和單詞計數插件CKEditor的,但它沒有啓用。請給我建議如何在我的ckeditor中啓用字數統計?ckeditor wordcount是否啓用或禁用?



* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. 
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license 

CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function (config) { 
    // Define changes to default configuration here. 
    // For complete reference see: 
    // http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.config 

    config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR; 
    // The toolbar groups arrangement, optimized for a single toolbar row. 
    config.toolbarGroups = [ 
     {name: 'document', groups: ['mode', 'document', 'doctools']}, 
     {name: 'clipboard', groups: ['clipboard', 'undo']}, 
     {name: 'editing', groups: ['find', 'selection', 'spellchecker']}, 
     {name: 'forms'}, 
     {name: 'basicstyles', groups: ['basicstyles', 'cleanup']}, 
     {name: 'paragraph', groups: ['list', 'indent', 'blocks', 'align', 'bidi']}, 
     {name: 'links'}, 
     {name: 'insert'}, 
     {name: 'styles'}, 
     {name: 'colors'}, 
     {name: 'tools'}, 
     {name: 'others'}, 
     {name: 'about'} 


    // The default plugins included in the basic setup define some buttons that 
    // are not needed in a basic editor. They are removed here. 
    config.removeButtons = 'Cut,Copy,Paste,Undo,Redo,Anchor,Underline,Strike,Subscript,Superscript'; 

    // Dialog windows are also simplified. 
    config.removeDialogTabs = 'link:advanced'; 

// config.extraPlugins = 'wordcount,notification'; 

    config.wordcount = { 
     // Whether or not you want to show the Paragraphs Count, Default Value: true 
     showParagraphs: true, 
     // Whether or not you want to show the Word Count, Default Value: true 
     showWordCount: true, 
     // Whether or not you want to show the Char Count, Default Value: false 
     showCharCount: true, 
     // Whether or not you want to count Spaces as Chars, Default Value: false 
     countSpacesAsChars: false, 
     // Whether or not to include Html chars in the Char Count, Default Value: false 
     countHTML: true, 
     // Maximum allowed Word Count that can be entered in the editor, Default Value: -1 (unlimited) 
     maxWordCount: 100, 
     // Maximum allowed Chararcater Count entered be in the editor, Default Value: -1 (unlimited) 
     maxCharCount: 100, 
     // Add filter to add or remove element before counting (see CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter), Default value : null (no filter) 
     filter: new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter({ 
      elements: { 
       div: function (element) { 
        if (element.attributes.class == 'mediaembed') { 
         return false; 



* @license Copyright (c) CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. 
* For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license 

CKEDITOR.plugins.add("wordcount", { 
    lang: "ca,de,el,en,es,fr,he,hr,it,jp,nl,no,pl,pt-br,ru,sv,tr,zh-cn", // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE% 
    version: 1.14, 
    requires: 'htmlwriter,notification,undo', 
    init: function (editor) { 
     var defaultFormat = "", 
      lastWordCount = -1, 
      lastCharCount = -1, 
      limitReachedNotified = false, 
      limitRestoredNotified = false, 
      snapShot = editor.getSnapshot(); 

     var dispatchEvent = function (type, currentLength, maxLength) { 
      if (typeof document.dispatchEvent == 'undefined') { 

      type = 'ckeditor.wordcount.' + type; 

      var cEvent; 
      var eventInitDict = { 
       bubbles: false, 
       cancelable: true, 
       detail: { 
        currentLength: currentLength, 
        maxLength: maxLength 

      try { 
       cEvent = new CustomEvent(type, eventInitDict); 
      } catch (o_O) { 
       cEvent = document.createEvent('CustomEvent'); 


     // Default Config 
     var defaultConfig = { 
      showParagraphs: true, 
      showWordCount: true, 
      showCharCount: false, 
      countSpacesAsChars: false, 
      countHTML: false, 
      hardLimit: true, 

      //MAXLENGTH Properties 
      maxWordCount: -1, 
      maxCharCount: -1, 

      //DisAllowed functions 
      wordCountGreaterThanMaxLengthEvent: function (currentLength, maxLength) { 
       dispatchEvent('wordCountGreaterThanMaxLengthEvent', currentLength, maxLength); 
      charCountGreaterThanMaxLengthEvent: function (currentLength, maxLength) { 
       dispatchEvent('charCountGreaterThanMaxLengthEvent', currentLength, maxLength); 

      //Allowed Functions 
      wordCountLessThanMaxLengthEvent: function (currentLength, maxLength) { 
       dispatchEvent('wordCountLessThanMaxLengthEvent', currentLength, maxLength); 
      charCountLessThanMaxLengthEvent: function (currentLength, maxLength) { 
       dispatchEvent('charCountLessThanMaxLengthEvent', currentLength, maxLength); 

     // Get Config & Lang 
     var config = CKEDITOR.tools.extend(defaultConfig, editor.config.wordcount || {}, true); 

     if (config.showParagraphs) { 
      defaultFormat += editor.lang.wordcount.Paragraphs + " %paragraphs%"; 

     if (config.showParagraphs && (config.showWordCount || config.showCharCount)) { 
      defaultFormat += ", "; 

     if (config.showWordCount) { 
      defaultFormat += editor.lang.wordcount.WordCount + " %wordCount%"; 
      if (config.maxWordCount > -1) { 
       defaultFormat += "/" + config.maxWordCount; 

     if (config.showCharCount && config.showWordCount) { 
      defaultFormat += ", "; 

     if (config.showCharCount) { 
      var charLabel = editor.lang.wordcount[config.countHTML ? "CharCountWithHTML" : "CharCount"]; 

      defaultFormat += charLabel + " %charCount%"; 
      if (config.maxCharCount > -1) { 
       defaultFormat += "/" + config.maxCharCount; 

     var format = defaultFormat; 

     if (config.loadCss === undefined || config.loadCss) { 
      CKEDITOR.document.appendStyleSheet(this.path + "css/wordcount.css"); 

     function counterId(editorInstance) { 
      return "cke_wordcount_" + editorInstance.name; 

     function counterElement(editorInstance) { 
      return document.getElementById(counterId(editorInstance)); 

     function strip(html) { 
      var tmp = document.createElement("div"); 
      tmp.innerHTML = html; 

      if (tmp.textContent == "" && typeof tmp.innerText == "undefined") { 
       return ""; 

      return tmp.textContent || tmp.innerText; 

     function countCharacters(text, editorInstance) { 
      if (config.countHTML) { 
       return (text.length); 
      } else { 
       var normalizedText; 

       // strip body tags 
       if (editor.config.fullPage) { 
        var i = text.search(new RegExp("<body>", "i")); 
        if (i != -1) { 
         var j = text.search(new RegExp("</body>", "i")); 
         text = text.substring(i + 6, j); 


       normalizedText = text; 

       if (!config.countSpacesAsChars) { 
        normalizedText = text. 
         replace(/\s/g, ""). 
         replace(/&nbsp;/g, ""); 

       normalizedText = normalizedText. 
        replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, ""). 
        replace(/&nbsp;/gi, " "); 

       normalizedText = strip(normalizedText).replace(/^([\t\r\n]*)$/, ""); 


     function countParagraphs(text) { 
      return (text.replace(/&nbsp;/g, " ").replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, "").replace(/^\s*$[\n\r]{1,}/gm, "++").split("++").length); 

     function countWords(text) { 
      var normalizedText = text. 
       replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, " "). 
       replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""). 
       replace("&nbsp;", " "); 

      normalizedText = strip(normalizedText); 

      var words = normalizedText.split(/\s+/); 

      for (var wordIndex = words.length - 1; wordIndex >= 0; wordIndex--) { 
       if (words[wordIndex].match(/^([\s\t\r\n]*)$/)) { 
        words.splice(wordIndex, 1); 

      return (words.length); 

     function limitReached(editorInstance, notify) { 
      limitReachedNotified = true; 
      limitRestoredNotified = false; 

      if (config.hardLimit) { 
       // lock editor 
       editorInstance.config.Locked = 1; 

      if (!notify) { 
       counterElement(editorInstance).className = "cke_path_item cke_wordcountLimitReached"; 
       editorInstance.fire("limitReached", {}, editor); 

     function limitRestored(editorInstance) { 
      limitRestoredNotified = true; 
      limitReachedNotified = false; 
      editorInstance.config.Locked = 0; 
      snapShot = editor.getSnapshot(); 

      counterElement(editorInstance).className = "cke_path_item"; 

     function updateCounter(editorInstance) { 
      var paragraphs = 0, 
       wordCount = 0, 
       charCount = 0, 

      if (text = editorInstance.getData()) { 
       if (config.showCharCount) { 
        charCount = countCharacters(text, editorInstance); 

       if (config.showParagraphs) { 
        paragraphs = countParagraphs(text); 

       if (config.showWordCount) { 
        wordCount = countWords(text); 

      var html = format.replace("%wordCount%", wordCount).replace("%charCount%", charCount).replace("%paragraphs%", paragraphs); 

      editorInstance.plugins.wordcount.wordCount = wordCount; 
      editorInstance.plugins.wordcount.charCount = charCount; 

      if (CKEDITOR.env.gecko) { 
       counterElement(editorInstance).innerHTML = html; 
      } else { 
       counterElement(editorInstance).innerText = html; 

      if (charCount == lastCharCount && wordCount == lastWordCount) { 
       return true; 

      //If the limit is already over, allow the deletion of characters/words. Otherwise, 
      //the user would have to delete at one go the number of offending characters 
      var deltaWord = wordCount - lastWordCount; 
      var deltaChar = charCount - lastCharCount; 

      lastWordCount = wordCount; 
      lastCharCount = charCount; 

      if (lastWordCount == -1) { 
       lastWordCount = wordCount; 
      if (lastCharCount == -1) { 
       lastCharCount = charCount; 

      // Check for word limit and/or char limit 
      if ((config.maxWordCount > -1 && wordCount > config.maxWordCount && deltaWord > 0) || 
       (config.maxCharCount > -1 && charCount > config.maxCharCount && deltaChar > 0)) { 

       limitReached(editorInstance, limitReachedNotified); 
      } else if ((config.maxWordCount == -1 || wordCount < config.maxWordCount) && 
      (config.maxCharCount == -1 || charCount < config.maxCharCount)) { 

      } else { 
       snapShot = editorInstance.getSnapshot(); 

      // Fire Custom Events 
      if (config.charCountGreaterThanMaxLengthEvent && config.charCountLessThanMaxLengthEvent) { 
       if (charCount > config.maxCharCount && config.maxCharCount > -1) { 
        config.charCountGreaterThanMaxLengthEvent(charCount, config.maxCharCount); 
       } else { 
        config.charCountLessThanMaxLengthEvent(charCount, config.maxCharCount); 

      if (config.wordCountGreaterThanMaxLengthEvent && config.wordCountLessThanMaxLengthEvent) { 
       if (wordCount > config.maxWordCount && config.maxWordCount > -1) { 
        config.wordCountGreaterThanMaxLengthEvent(wordCount, config.maxWordCount); 

       } else { 
        config.wordCountLessThanMaxLengthEvent(wordCount, config.maxWordCount); 

      return true; 

     editor.on("key", function (event) { 
      if (editor.mode === "source") { 
     }, editor, null, 100); 

     editor.on("change", function (event) { 
     }, editor, null, 100); 

     editor.on("uiSpace", function (event) { 
      if (editor.elementMode === CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE) { 
       if (event.data.space == "top") { 
        event.data.html += "<div class=\"cke_wordcount\" style=\"\"" + 
         " title=\"" + 
         editor.lang.wordcount.title + 
         "\"" + 
         "><span id=\"" + 
         counterId(event.editor) + 
         "\" class=\"cke_path_item\">&nbsp;</span></div>"; 
      } else { 
       if (event.data.space == "bottom") { 
        event.data.html += "<div class=\"cke_wordcount\" style=\"\"" + 
         " title=\"" + 
         editor.lang.wordcount.title + 
         "\"" + 
         "><span id=\"" + 
         counterId(event.editor) + 
         "\" class=\"cke_path_item\">&nbsp;</span></div>"; 

     }, editor, null, 100); 

     editor.on("dataReady", function (event) { 
     }, editor, null, 100); 

     editor.on("paste", function(event) { 
      if (config.maxWordCount > 0 || config.maxCharCount > 0) { 

       // Check if pasted content is above the limits 
       var wordCount = -1, 
        charCount = -1, 
        text = event.editor.getData() + event.data.dataValue; 

       if (config.showCharCount) { 
        charCount = countCharacters(text, event.editor); 

       if (config.showWordCount) { 
        wordCount = countWords(text); 

       var notification = new CKEDITOR.plugins.notification(event.editor, { message: event.editor.lang.wordcount.pasteWarning, type: 'warning' }); 

       if (config.maxCharCount > 0 && charCount > config.maxCharCount && config.hardLimit) { 

       if (config.maxWordCount > 0 && wordCount > config.maxWordCount && config.hardLimit) { 
     }, editor, null, 100); 

     editor.on("afterPaste", function (event) { 
     }, editor, null, 100); 

     editor.on("blur", function() { 
      if (intervalId) { 
     }, editor, null, 300); 



http://ckeditor.com/addon/wordcount – azad


@Azad我已經看到了。 –




config.wordcount = { 
// Whether or not you want to show the Paragraphs Count 
showParagraphs: true, 

// Whether or not you want to show the Word Count 
showWordCount: true, 

// Whether or not you want to show the Char Count 
showCharCount: false, 

// Whether or not you want to count Spaces as Chars 
countSpacesAsChars: false, 

// Whether or not to include Html chars in the Char Count 
countHTML: false, 

// Maximum allowed Word Count, -1 is default for unlimited 
maxWordCount: -1, 

// Maximum allowed Char Count, -1 is default for unlimited 
maxCharCount: -1, 

// Add filter to add or remove element before counting (see CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter), Default value : null (no filter) 
filter: new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter({ 
    elements: { 
     div: function(element) { 
      if(element.attributes.class == 'mediaembed') { 
       return false; 
}) }; 

config.wordcount = { showParagraphs:真, showWordCount:真, showCharCount:假, countSpacesAsChars:假, countHTML:假, maxWordCount:10, // maxCharCount:10 }; –


我嘗試過但未啓用。 –


當然你的版本是兼容的。演示頁工作正常,我用從GitHub和最新版本的插件的最新CKEditor的4.4.4 http://w8tcha.github.io/CKEditor-WordCount-Plugin/ –
