x = int(input("Please enter any number between 1 and 10: ").strip())
while x > 10 or x < 1:
print("No! I need a number between 1 and 10.")
x = int(input("Please enter any number between 1 and 10: ").strip())
y = int(input("Now enter a second number between 100 and 200: ").strip())
while y > 200 or y < 100:
print("No! I need a number between 100 and 200.")
y = int(input("Please enter any number between 100 and 200: ").strip())
print("Now we're going to count up from the first to the second number.")
print("You can count every number, every second number, and so on. It's up to you.")
z = int(input("Enter a number between 1 and 5: ").strip())
while z > 5 or z < 1:
print("No. I need a number between 1 and 5!")
z = int(input("Enter a number between 1 and 5: ").strip())
print("You have chosen to count from {} to {} in steps of {}.".format(x, y, z))
input("\nPress Enter to begin")
for q in range(x,y):
if q == x + z:
x = x + z
你想評論的工作代碼一般屬於[代碼評論](http://codereview.stackexchange.com/) – TemporalWolf
@TemporalWolf,所以我不必評論完全:)此外,代碼和問題似乎以適應CR:甚至會在那裏獲得upvotes。投票結束。 –
我投票結束這個問題作爲題外話,因爲它是一個完美的適合http://codereview.stackexchange.com –