後我請stringCopy(STR1,STR2)另一個字符串包括函數;輸出應該好,bye0ld0但再見 :(我錯過什麼? 如何打印正確的結果?
;------------------ in my .cpp file
extern "C" void __stdcall stringCopy(char[], char[]);
int main()
char str1[] = { 'h','e','l','l','o',' ','w','o','r','l','d',0 };
cout << str1 << endl;
char str2[] = { 'G','o','o','d','-','b','y','e',0};
cout << str2 << endl;
stringCopy(str1, str2);
cout << str1 << endl; ;should be Good-bye0ld0
;but is Good-bye
;------------------ in my .asm file
; Copy zero terminated string2 (including terminating 0)
stringCopy PROC uses ecx eax esi edi, ;save registers used
string1:DWORD, ;address of string1
string2:DWORD ;address of string2
cld ;forward direction - clear direction flag
push string2 ;address of str2 arg to StrlenAsm
call getStringLength ;get length of str2
;called function responsible for stack cleanup
mov ecx,eax ;length of string in ecx for rep
mov edi,string1 ;edi gets destination address for copy
mov esi,string2 ;esi gets source address for copy
rep movsb ;copy byte from source to desintation ecx times
mov byte ptr[edi],0 ;null terminate copied string
stringCopy ENDP
getStringLength PROC uses edi, ;save edi
strAdd:DWORD ;address of string to find length of
mov edi, strAdd ;edi = address of string to get length of
xor eax,eax ;eax to hold length so 0 it out
cmp byte ptr [edi],0 ;have we reached the end of the string yet?
je done ;Yes, done
inc edi ;no, increment to next character
inc eax ;and increment length
jmp looptop ;repeat
getStringLength ENDP
爲什麼不簡化成一個循環,以便同時複製和查找終止0?這是實現'strcpy(3)'的「正常」方式。另外,MASM不會讓你在'push' /'call'之後修復堆棧嗎? 'getStringLength'返回'ret',而不是'ret 4',所以它不會將操作數彈出堆棧。無論如何,**在調試器**中逐步完成,或者查看反彙編輸出以查看MASM指令產生的代碼。 –