TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-45d26bca20e5> in <module>()
81 example = CR0098('test',10,10)
---> 82 example.Curve(34)
TypeError: Curve() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
import math
class Spectra(object):
def __init__(self, name, PGA=0.3, Damping=5):
self.name = name
self.PGA = PGA
self.Damping = Damping
class CR0098(Spectra):
def __init__(self, name, vaRatio, ADV, PGA=0.3, Damping=5):
self.vaRatio = vaRatio
self.ADV = ADV
def Curve(freq):
if self.Damping == 0.5: #Factors from NUREG 98 Table 3 based on damping percentage
AperAprime = 5.1
VperVprime = 3.84
DperDprime = 3.04
elif self.Damping == 1:
AperAprime = 4.38
VperVprime = 3.38
DperDprime = 2.73
elif self.Damping == 2:
AperAprime = 3.66
VperVprime = 2.92
DperDprime = 2.42
elif self.Damping == 3:
AperAprime = 3.24
VperVprime = 2.64
DperDprime = 2.24
elif self.Damping == 5:
AperAprime = 2.71
VperVprime = 2.3
DperDprime = 2.01
elif self.Damping == 7:
AperAprime = 2.36
VperVprime = 2.08
DperDprime = 1.85
elif self.Damping == 10:
AperAprime = 1.99
VperVprime = 1.84
DperDprime = 1.69
factor = 386.4 #Factor converts g's to in per sec^2
vPrime = self.vaRatio * self.PGA #V' calculation
dPrime = self.ADV *(vPrime**2)/(self.PGA*factor)
A = self.PGA*AperAprime*factor #Peak Spectral Acceleration
V = vPrime * VperVprime #Peak Spectral Velocity
D = dPrime * DperDprime #Peak spectral displacement
#Control Points
sF1 = 0.1 #Freqency for control point 1
sA1 = D/((2*math.pi*(0.1))**2) #Point 1 with freqency of 0.1 hz
sF2 = (V/D)/(2*math.pi) #Frequency for point 2 in hz
sA2 = D/((2*math.pi*(sF2))**2) #Acceleration for Point 2
sF3 = (A/V)/(2*math.pi) #frequency for point 3 in hz
sA3 = V/(2*math.pi*sF3) # Acceleration for point 3
sF4 = 8 #Frequency for control point 4
sA4 = sA3 #Acceleration for control point 4, same as point 3
sF5 = 33 #Frequency for control point 5, rigid
sA5 = self.PGA #Acceleration for control point 5
aSlope = math.log10(sA5/sA4)/math.log10(sF5/sF4) #Acceleration slope factor
dispA = D * ((2*math.pi * freq)**2)/factor #Spectral Acceleration based on spectral displacement
velA = V * (2*math.pi * freq)/factor #Spectral Acceleration based on spectral velocity
AFactor = math.log10(sA4)+math.log10(freq/sF4)*aSlope #Special acceleration factor
if freq < sF4: #calculates the acceleration based on which frequency range
accelA1 = A/factor
accelA1 = 10**AFactor
accelA = max(accelA1, sA5) #verifies that the acceleration is above the rigid acceleration
SpectralAcceleration = min(dispA,velA,accelA)
return SpectralAcceleration
example = CR0098('test',10,10)
你忘了在定義行中添加'self' :) – Roberto