2011-07-28 52 views






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      <script type="text/javascript"> 
       function switchMenu(cur, e) { 
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          <div id="abc" onclick="switchMenu(this, event)"> 

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           <div id="subSectionHeader"><p>Some Label I</p></div> <div id="subSectionHeader"><p>&nbsp;</p></div> 
           <div id="abcChild"> 
           <div id="label"><p>Label</p></div> <div id="value"><p>Value</p></div>     
           <div id="label"><p>Label</p></div> <div id="value"><p>Value</p></div>     
           <div id="label"><p>Label</p></div> <div id="value"><p>Value</p></div>     
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           <!--cde --> 
           <div id="cde" onclick="switchMenu(this, event)"> 
           <div id="subSectionHeader"><p>Some Label II</p></div> <div id="subSectionHeader"><p>&nbsp;</p></div> 
           <div id="cdeChild"> 
           <div id="label"><p>Label</p></div> <div id="value"><p>Value</p></div> 
           <div id="label"><p>Label</p></div> <div id="value"><p>Value</p></div> 
           <div id="label"><p>Label</p></div> <div id="value"><p>Value</p></div> 
           <!--cde --> 



你的建議和幫助將不勝感激 感謝您的時間。







UPDATE2包括建議: 在findParent和更強大的修復錯誤。

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> 
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<script type="text/javascript"> 
function switchMenu(cur, e) { 
    var obj = e.target || e.srcElement; //works on IE and FF 
    var childDiv = cur.id + 'Child'; 

    if (obj.className.toLowerCase() != "nocollapse" && isInCollapsible(obj)) { 
     var el = document.getElementById(childDiv); 
     el.style.display = el.style.display != "none" ? "none" : ""; 

function isInCollapsible(obj) { 
    return findParent(obj, "div", "nocollapse") ? false : true; 

function findParent(obj, type, name) { 
    if (obj.parentNode) 
     if (obj.parentNode.tagName && obj.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase() == type && obj.parentNode.className.toLowerCase() == name) 
      return obj.parentNode; 
      return findParent(obj.parentNode, type, name); 
     return null; 


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       <div class="column"> 
       <div id="abc" onclick="switchMenu(this, event)"> 

        <div class="columnHeader"><p>Section 1</p></div>     

        <div class="subSectionHeader"><p>Some Label I</p></div> <div class="subSectionHeader"><p>&nbsp;</p></div> 
        <div id="abcChild" class="noCollapse"> 
        <div class="label"><p>Label</p></div> <div class="value"><p>Value</p></div>     
        <div class="label"><p>Label</p></div> <div class="value"><p>Value</p></div>     
        <div class="label"><p>Label</p></div> <div class="value"><p>Value</p></div>     
        </div> <!--abc--> 

        <!--cde --> 
        <div id="cde" class="parent" onclick="switchMenu(this, event)"> 
        <div class="subSectionHeader"><p>Some Label II</p></div> <div class="subSectionHeader"><p>&nbsp;</p></div> 
        <div id="cdeChild" class="noCollapse"> 
        <div class="label"><p>Label</p></div> <div class="value"><p>Value</p></div> 
        <div class="label"><p>Label</p></div> <div class="value"><p>Value</p></div> 
        <div class="label"><p>Label</p></div> <div class="value"><p>Value</p></div> 
        <!--cde --> 



+1 - 幾乎正是我要發佈的內容。使用id的另一種方法是在子div或父div上添加一個類並對其進行測試。樣式可以使用以下命令進行切換:'el.style.display = el.style.display =='none'? '':'none';' – RobG


嗨,這工作正常在FF但不是在IE中。 – Nomad


它應該在IE8中工作。什麼是您的IE版本?有沒有任何錯誤信息? – Jules