2013-07-31 28 views

不兼容如何將下面的匿名函數轉換爲php庫中的php函數庫:php庫中的匿名函數與php 5.2

curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, function($handle, $data) use (&$headers, &$body, &$header_length, $max_data_length) { 
     $body .= $data; 

     if ($headers == '') { 
      $headers_end = strpos($body, "\r\n\r\n"); 
      if ($headers_end !== false) { 
       $header_length = $headers_end; 
       $headers = substr($body, 0, $header_length); 
       $body = substr($body, $header_length + 4); 

       # Now that we have headers, if the content type is not HTML, we do 
       # not need to download anything else. Prevents us from downloading 
       # images, videos, PDFs, etc. that won't contain redirects 

       # Until PHP 5.4, you can't import $this lexical variable into a closure, 
       # so we will need to duplicate code from contentTypeFromHeader() 
       # and hasHTMLContentType() 
       if (preg_match('/^\s*Content-Type:\s*([^\s;\n]+)/im', $headers, $matches)) { 
        if (stripos($matches[1], 'html') === false) { return 0; } 

     # If we have downloaded the maximum amount of content, we're done. 
     if (($header_length + strlen($body)) > $max_data_length) { return 0; } 

     return strlen($data); 





function curl_writefunction_callback($handle, $data) { 
    global $headers; 
    global $body; 
    global $header_length; 
    global $max_data_length; 
    # [function body here] 

curl_setopt($curl, CURL_WRITEFUNCTION, "curl_writefunction_callback"); 

謝謝,這是我的想法,但「使用」的一部分匿名函數令我感到困惑,不知道如何使用上述命名函數: function($ handle,$ data)use(&$ headers,&$ body,&$ header_length,$ max_data_length){ –


@MartinS'use' ,在PHP的lambda函數的災難性藉口中,相當於命名函數中的'global',並且可以這樣翻譯。我會更新答案以反映這一點。 –


這不等同。 'use'從其定義範圍導入變量,'global'僅限於全局範圍,因此如果要訪問存儲在這些變量中的結果,則必須在範圍內聲明它們是全局的。 –