Function GetBetween(str, leftDelimeter, rightDelimeter)
Dim tmpArr, result(), x
tmpArr=Split(str, leftDelimeter)
If UBound(tmpArr) < 1 Then
GetBetween=Array() : Exit Function
End If
ReDim result(UBound(tmpArr)-1)
For x=1 To UBound(tmpArr)
result(x-1)=(Split(tmpArr(x), rightDelimeter))(0)
Erase tmpArr
End Function
Function ReplaceWholeWord(ByVal strText, strWord, strToReplaceWith)
ReplaceWholeWord = strText
If InStr(strText, strWord)<1 Then Exit Function
'Text is only the word?
If strText=strWord Then
strText = Replace(strText, strWord, strToReplaceWith)
'Text starting with word?
If InStr(strText, strWord & " ")=1 Then
strText = strToReplaceWith & " " & Right(strText, Len(strText) - Len(strWord & " "))
End If
'Text ends with word?
If Right(strText, Len(" " & strWord))=(" " & strWord) Then
strText = Left(strText, Len(strText) - Len(" " & strWord)) & " " & strToReplaceWith
End If
'Text ends with word and a period?
If Right(strText, Len(" " & strWord & "."))=(" " & strWord & ".") Then
strText = Left(strText, Len(strText) - Len(" " & strWord & ".")) & " " & strToReplaceWith & "."
End If
'Replace between other words:
strText = Replace(strText, " " & strWord & " ", " " & strToReplaceWith & " ")
End If
ReplaceWholeWord = strText
End Function
Const KEYWORD = "keyword"
Dim strHTML, arrTagsToFind, x
Dim curItemsArray, y, curItem
Dim curReplacedItem
arrTagsToFind = Array("p", "div")
strHTML = "<b>this keyword will not be replaced</b><p>Some text with the keyword.</p>keyword here won't be replaced too<p>Some other text with the keyword22 that is not whole word but end with keyword</p><div>keyword first</div>"
For x=0 To UBound(arrTagsToFind)
curItemsArray = GetBetween(strHTML, "<" + arrTagsToFind(x) + ">", "</" + arrTagsToFind(x) + ">")
For y=0 To UBound(curItemsArray)
curItem = curItemsArray(y)
curReplacedItem = ReplaceWholeWord(curItem, KEYWORD, "<a href=""#foo"">" & KEYWORD & "</a>")
strHTML = Replace(strHTML, curItem, curReplacedItem)
哇...尼斯問題。你可以在同一個問題中添加PHP嗎?想在PHP中做。 ':)' –
這非常複雜 - 你正在編寫一個解析器。這對StackOverflow問題有點過分。 –
你應該可以使用正則表達式來做到這一點。 VBScript RegExp對象的引用和支持的語法如下: http://www.regular-expressions.info/vbscript.html – theprogrammer