2015-01-15 88 views

從這裏: Google AdSense API asking for log in each time谷歌AdSense的API刷新令牌不工作

我想和這個工作的第一次,但第二天,該腳本運行並得到了一個錯誤: 未捕獲的異常「Google_Auth_Exception」有消息「 OAuth 2.0訪問令牌已過期,並且刷新令牌不可用。刷新令牌不會返回自動批准的響應。在/home/mathcelebrity/public_html/Google/Auth/OAuth2.php:227

所以我發現了這個線索,並試圖回覆#5,並得到上述錯誤: How to refresh token with Google API client?


require_once 'templates/base.php'; 

set_include_path('/path/to/clientlib' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); 
set_include_path('/path/to/clientlib' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); 
require_once 'Google/Client.php'; 
require_once 'Google/Service/AdSense.php'; 
require_once 'Google/Service/AdSense.php'; 
// Autoload example classes. 

include 'examples/GetAllAccounts.php'; 
include 'examples/GetAccountTree.php'; 
include 'examples/GetAllAdClients.php'; 
include 'examples/GetAllAdUnits.php'; 
include 'examples/GetAllCustomChannelsForAdUnit.php'; 

include 'examples/GetAllCustomChannels.php'; 
include 'examples/GetAllAdUnitsForCustomChannel.php'; 
include 'examples/GetAllUrlChannels.php';//GetAllUrlChannels 
include 'examples/GenerateReport.php';//GenerateReport 
include 'examples/GenerateReportWithPaging.php';//GenerateReportWithPaging 
include 'examples/FillMissingDatesInReport.php';//FillMissingDatesInReport 
include 'examples/CollateReportData.php';//CollateReportData 
include 'examples/GetAllSavedReports.php';//GetAllSavedReports 
include 'examples/GenerateSavedReport.php';//GenerateSavedReport 
include 'examples/GetAllSavedAdStyles.php';//GetAllSavedAdStyles 
include 'examples/GetAllAlerts.php';//GetAllAlerts 
include 'examples/GetAllDimensions.php';//GetAllDimensions 
include 'examples/GetAllMetrics.php';//GetAllMetrics 
// Max results per page. 
define('MAX_LIST_PAGE_SIZE', 50, true); 
define('MAX_REPORT_PAGE_SIZE', 50, true); 
// Configure token storage on disk. 
// If you want to store refresh tokens in a local disk file, set this to true. 
define('STORE_ON_DISK', true, true); 
define('TOKEN_FILENAME', 'tokens.dat', true); 
// Set up authentication. 
$client = new Google_Client(); 
// Be sure to replace the contents of client_secrets.json with your developer 
// credentials. 
// Create service. 
$service = new Google_Service_AdSense($client); 
// If we're logging out we just need to clear our local access token. 
// Note that this only logs you out of the session. If STORE_ON_DISK is 
// enabled and you want to remove stored data, delete the file. 

if (isset($_REQUEST['logout'])) { 
// If we have a code back from the OAuth 2.0 flow, we need to exchange that 
// with the authenticate() function. We store the resultant access token 
// bundle in the session (and disk, if enabled), and redirect to this page. 
if (isset($_GET['code'])) { 
// Note that "getAccessToken" actually retrieves both the access and refresh 
// tokens, assuming both are available. 
    $google_token = json_decode($_SESSION['access_token']); 
    $_SESSION['access_token'] = $client->getAccessToken(); 
    if (STORE_ON_DISK) { 
     file_put_contents(TOKEN_FILENAME, $_SESSION['access_token']); 
    $redirect = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; 
    header('Location: ' . filter_var($redirect, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL)); 
// If we have an access token, we can make requests, else we generate an 
// authentication URL. 
if (isset($_SESSION['access_token']) && $_SESSION['access_token']) { 
} else if (STORE_ON_DISK && file_exists(TOKEN_FILENAME) && 
    filesize(TOKEN_FILENAME) > 0) { 
// Note that "setAccessToken" actually sets both the access and refresh token, 
// assuming both were saved. 
    $_SESSION['access_token'] = $client->getAccessToken(); 
} else { 
// If we're doing disk storage, generate a URL that forces user approval. 
// This is the only way to guarantee we get back a refresh token. 
    if (STORE_ON_DISK) { 
    $authUrl = $client->createAuthUrl(); 
//echo pageHeader('Get Final Report'); 
//echo "stre on disk = " . STORE_ON_DISK . "<br />"; 
echo '<div><div class="request">'; 
if (isset($authUrl)) { 
    echo '<a class="login" href="' . $authUrl . '">Login !</a>'; 
} else { 
    echo '<a class="logout" href="?logout">Logout</a>'; 
echo '</div>'; 
if ($client->getAccessToken()) { 
    echo '<pre class="result">'; 
// Now we're signed in, we can make our requests. 
    $adsense = makeRequests($service); 
    /* Note that we re-store the access_token bundle, just in case anything 
    changed during the request - the main thing that might happen here is the 
    access token itself is refreshed if the application has offline access. */ 
    $_SESSION['access_token'] = $client->getAccessToken(); 
    echo '</pre>'; 
echo '</div>'; 
echo pageFooter(__FILE__); 
// Makes all the API requests. 
function makeRequests($service) { 
    print "\n"; 
    $accounts = GetAllAccounts::run($service, MAX_LIST_PAGE_SIZE); 
    echo '<div class="Account">Account No. '.$accounts[0]["id"].' Details</div>'; 

    if (isset($accounts) && !empty($accounts)) { 
// Get an example account ID, so we can run the following sample. 
     $exampleAccountId = $accounts[0]['id']; 
     GetAccountTree::run($service, $exampleAccountId); 
     $adClients = 
      GetAllAdClients::run($service, $exampleAccountId, MAX_LIST_PAGE_SIZE); 

     <table id="myTable" class="tablesorter" border="1px solid"> 
       <th>AdClient ID</th> 
       <th>AdClient Code</th> 
      foreach($adClients as $adClients){ 

       <tr><td><?php echo $adClients['id']; ?></td><td><?php echo $adClients['productCode']; ?></td></tr> 


     if (isset($adClients) && !empty($adClients)) { 
// Get an ad client ID, so we can run the rest of the samples. 
      $exampleAdClient = end($adClients); 

      $exampleAdClientId = $adClients['id']; 

      $adUnits = GetAllAdUnits::run($service, $exampleAccountId, 
       $exampleAdClientId, MAX_LIST_PAGE_SIZE); 

      <table id="myTable_1" class="tablesorter" border="1px solid"> 
        <th>AdUnit name</th> 
        <th>AdUnit Code</th> 
        <th>AdUnit ID</th> 

       foreach($adUnits as $adUnits){ 

        if($adUnits['status']=='ACTIVE' ||$adUnits['status']=='NEW'){ ?> 
          <td><?php echo $adUnits['name']; ?></td> 
          <td><?php echo $adUnits['code']; ?></td> 
          <td><?php echo $adUnits['id']; ?></td> 
          <td><?php echo $adUnits['status']; ?></td> 
          <td class="link"><a href="<?php echo $redirect.'?ad_name='.$adUnits['name'];?>">Get detail</a></td> 
      if (isset($_REQUEST['ad_name'])) { 
       //die('function shoul be calle dhere '); 

       $Get_reports=GenerateReport::run($service, $exampleAccountId, $exampleAdClientId,$_REQUEST['ad_name']); 
      else { 
       $Get_reports=GenerateReport::run($service, $exampleAccountId, $exampleAdClientId); 

      <table id="myTable_2" class="tablesorter" border="1px solid"> 
        <?php foreach($Get_reports['headers'] as $headers){ 
         <th><?php printf('%25s', $headers['name']); ?></th> 

       foreach($Get_reports['rows'] as $rows) { 
         foreach($rows as $col) { 
          <td><?php echo $col; $adsense = $col; ?></td> 


         } ?> 


      <table id="myTable_3" class="tablesorter" border="1px solid"> 
        foreach($Get_reports['headers'] as $headers){ 
         <th><?php echo 'Total '.$headers['name']; ?></th> 
        foreach($Get_reports['totals'] as $totals){ 

         <td><?php echo $totals; ?></td> 
      //die('Report Generated For Last 7 Days'); 

    //echo "adsense = " . $adsense . "<br />"; 
    return $adsense; 


你有沒有考慮使用服務帳戶?我還沒有嘗試,但你似乎能夠添加一個用戶,所以它應該工作。這裏是一個關於如何使用Google Analytics與服務帳戶的教程,直到我有時間測試此http://www.daimto.com/google-oauth2-php/ – DaImTo


我試圖遵循標準的AdSense API,因爲任何偏離這導致了我的災難。我真的很接近這個做我需要的東西。這令牌刷新是我最後的頭痛。 –



不要嘗試使用服務帳戶 - 通常是正確的選擇,但他們不會使用AdSense。

嘗試更改此行以使路徑絕對 define('TOKEN_FILENAME','/real/path/here/tokens.dat',true);

確保當你用手打了一次,該文件顯示,並具有數據(你可以打開它 - 應該是JSON)


我使用GoDaddy,所以我可能會在PHP中使用chdir。 –