function popuppage2OK() {
alert("you clicked ok!");
var x = new Object();
x.name = $("#boxforname").val(); //this is a text input
x.option = $("#boxforoption").val();//this is a text input
alert("hiding newfactorpage2");
$("#popupform").hide(); //this is a div containing the text inputs and the button with the onlcick event that calls this function
alert("popupform hidden");
displaystuff(); //another function ive written that needs to be called
alert("this is after the display attempt");
?如果是這樣,請嘗試其他瀏覽器 –
我們可以看到更多的JavaScript?該函數看起來不錯,但是像Eric所說,這個問題可能存在於其他地方,直到你輸入這個函數纔會顯示出來。 – rlemon
您是否在JavaScript控制檯中看到錯誤? – JJJ