子之後輸入的所有10個名稱。我已經嘗試過一些東西,但無法弄清楚如何做到這一點。在Liberty BASIC中顯示完整陣列
'List handling with arrays
dim names$(10) 'set up our array to contain 10 items
[askForName] 'ask for a name
input "Please give me your name ?"; yourName$
if yourName$ = "" then print "No name entered." : goto [quit]
index = 0
'check to see if index points to an unused item in the array
if names$(index) = "" then names$(index) = yourName$ : goto [nameAdded]
index = index + 1 'add 1 to index
if index < 10 then [insertLoop] 'loop back until we have counted to 10
'There weren't any available slots, inform user
print "All ten name slots already used!"
goto [quit]
[nameAdded] 'Notify the name add was successful
print yourName$; " has been added to the list."
goto [askForName]