2013-06-27 17 views


Dim vClear As Variant 
Dim vData As Variant 

'This prevents more than one cell from being changed at once. 
'If more than one cell is changed then validation checks will not work. 
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then 
    vData = Target.Formula 
    For Each vClear In vData 
     If vClear <> "" Then 'If data is only deleted then more than one cell can be changed. 
      MsgBox "Change only one cell at a time", , "Too Many Changes!" 
       Exit For 
     End If 
End If 


這是我正在嘗試做的一個例子。有兩列我需要檢查,他們是G & H.如果數據從這兩列中的任何一列中刪除,那麼我希望列I也被刪除。假設我選擇了D5:G10的範圍,並從中刪除內容。由於G列是我希望I5:I10被刪除的要求之一。如果我要刪除D5:F10,那麼它不會刪除列I中的任何內容,因爲沒有選擇G或H列。


Dim vClear As Variant 
Dim vData As Variant 

'This prevents more than one cell from being changed at once. 
'If more than one cell is changed then validation checks will not work. 
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then 
    vData = Target.Formula 
    For Each vClear In vData 
     If vClear <> "" Then 'If data is only deleted then more than one cell can be changed. 
      MsgBox "Change only one cell at a time", , "Too Many Changes!" 
       Exit For 
      If vClear = "" Then 
       If vClear.Column = 7 Or vClear.Column = 8 Then 
        ActiveSheet.Cells(vClear.Row, 9) = "" 
       End If 
      End If 
     End If 
End If 




Dim vClear As Variant 
Dim vData As Variant 
Dim firstRow As Long 
Dim lastRow As Long 

'This prevents more than one cell from being changed at once. 
'If more than one cell is changed then validation checks will not work. 
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then 
    vData = Target.Formula 
    For Each vClear In vData 
     If vClear <> "" Then 'If data is only deleted then more than one cell can be changed. 
      MsgBox "Change only one cell at a time", , "Too Many Changes!" 
       Exit For 
      ' if the target includes columns G or H, we also clear column i 
      If Not Intersect(Target, Columns("G:H")) Is Nothing Then 
       ' get the first row in the target range 
       firstRow = Target.Rows(1).Row 
       ' get the last row in the target range 
       lastRow = firstRow + Target.Rows.Count - 1 
       ' clear contents of corresponding rows in column i 
       ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(firstRow, 9), Cells(lastRow, 9)).ClearContents 
      End If 
     End If 
End If 

非常好,謝謝。現在我知道Intersect,從來沒有聽說過它。代碼中的優秀語句。感謝您的幫助,它效果很好。 – Chris