我試圖用Arduino Uno/ESP8266在載波頻率(38KHz)上產生紅外信號來取代紅外遙控器。Arduino/Esp8266紅外遙控器載波頻率
#define IRLEDpin 2 //the arduino pin connected to IR LED to ground. HIGH=LED ON
#define BITtime 562 //length of the carrier bit in microseconds
//put your own code here - 4 bytes (ADDR1 | ADDR2 | COMMAND1 | COMMAND2)
unsigned long IRcode=0b11000001110001111100000000111111;
// Canon WL-D89 video remote START/STOP button = 0b11000001110001111100000000111111
void setup()
void IRsetup(void)
pinMode(IRLEDpin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(IRLEDpin, LOW); //turn off IR LED to start
// Ouput the 38KHz carrier frequency for the required time in microseconds
// This is timing critial and just do-able on an Arduino using the standard I/O functions.
// If you are using interrupts, ensure they disabled for the duration.
void IRcarrier(unsigned int IRtimemicroseconds)
for(int i=0; i < (IRtimemicroseconds/26); i++)
digitalWrite(IRLEDpin, HIGH); //turn on the IR LED
//NOTE: digitalWrite takes about 3.5us to execute, so we need to factor that into the timing.
delayMicroseconds(9); //delay for 13us (9us + digitalWrite), half the carrier frequnecy
digitalWrite(IRLEDpin, LOW); //turn off the IR LED
delayMicroseconds(9); //delay for 13us (9us + digitalWrite), half the carrier frequnecy
//Sends the IR code in 4 byte NEC format
void IRsendCode(unsigned long code)
//send the leading pulse
IRcarrier(9000); //9ms of carrier
delayMicroseconds(4500); //4.5ms of silence
//send the user defined 4 byte/32bit code
for (int i=0; i<32; i++) //send all 4 bytes or 32 bits
IRcarrier(BITtime); //turn on the carrier for one bit time
if (code & 0x80000000) //get the current bit by masking all but the MSB
delayMicroseconds(3 * BITtime); //a HIGH is 3 bit time periods
delayMicroseconds(BITtime); //a LOW is only 1 bit time period
code<<=1; //shift to the next bit for this byte
IRcarrier(BITtime); //send a single STOP bit.
void loop() //some demo main code
IRsetup(); //Only need to call this once to setup
無論如何,通過使用IRremote庫的「IRrecvDump」示例作爲檢查接收到的代碼的一種方式,IR接收器方不能使用兩種方法中的任何一種方法接收草圖中匹配的IR代碼集。 –
我還沒有嘗試過,但[這篇文章在esp8266.com上](http://www.esp8266.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=832)討論了使用變量和表格查找的gpio性能與使用實際值(例如1代替HIGH),並且表示使用實際值有很大的速度改進。儘管他正在使用Lua。另外,你的CPU速度是多少? – leetibbett
[這裏是討論](https:// github。com/esp8266/Arduino/issues/1536)關於i2c速度,他們正在實現更快的計時,看看他們的代碼 – leetibbett