我已經GOOGLE和閱讀其他帖子的主題,但我無處可去。例如: Data Alignment with network programming http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_structure_alignment
200 0000 0002 0200 0000 0012 0800 4500 0026 17d4 81e7 ff01 0000 0a02 0002 0c0c 0c0c 0000 e802 c04b 0004 3e89 3325 0006 ddef 0809
struct ethhdr{
char da[6];
char sa[6];
uint16_t pt;
typedef struct ethhdr ethhdr;
struct iphdr{
unsigned int ip_v:4; /* version */
unsigned int ip_hl:4; /* header length */
unsigned int ip_hl:4; /* header length */
unsigned int ip_v:4; /* version */
uint8_t ip_tos; /* type of service */
uint16_t ip_len; /* total length */
uint16_t ip_id; /* identification */
uint16_t ip_off; /* fragment offset field */
uint8_t ip_ttl; /* time to live */
uint8_t ip_p; /* protocol */
uint16_t ip_sum; /* checksum */
uint32_t ip_src, ip_dst; /* source and dest address */
typedef struct iphdr iphdr;
struct fe_context{
char *pkt; /* Pointer to packet */
size_t len; /* Length of packet */
void *if_in; /* Incoming interface - handle */
typedef struct fe_context fe_context;
int fe_process(fe_context *c)
printf("\n\nPacket received!\n");
printf("memcpy to header structs:\n");
ethhdr * ethh = (ethhdr *) malloc(sizeof(ethhdr));
iphdr * iph = (iphdr *) malloc(sizeof(iphdr));
memcpy(ethh, c->pkt, sizeof(ethhdr));
memcpy(iph, c->pkt+sizeof(ethhdr), sizeof(ethhdr));
printf("MAC SA: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", ethh->sa[0], ethh->sa[1], ethh->sa[2],
ethh->sa[3], ethh->sa[4], ethh->sa[5]);
printf("MAC P: %04x\n", ntohs(ethh->pt));
printf("IP Ver: %x\n", ntohl(iph->ip_v));
printf("IP IHL: %x\n", ntohl(iph->ip_hl));
printf("IP TTL: %i\n", iph->ip_ttl);
printf("IP Checksum: %x\n", ntohl(iph->ip_sum));
printf("IP SRC: %08x\n", ntohl(iph->ip_src));
printf("IP DST: %08x\n", ntohl(iph->ip_dst));
char * cp = c->pkt;
printf("\nPacket read by char:\n");
char data;
int p;
for(p = 0; p < 52; p++) {
data = *cp;
printf("%02x", data);
if(p%2==1) {
printf(" ");
cp = c->pkt;
printf("Packet read by uint16_t:\n");
uint16_t data16;
for(p = 0; p < 52/2; p++) {
data16 = *cp;
printf("%04x ", ntohs(data16));
cp = c->pkt;
printf("Packet read by uint32_t:\n");
uint32_t data32;
for(p = 0; p < 52/4; p++) {
data32 = *cp;
printf("%08x ", ntohl(data32));
return 0;
Packet received!
memcpy to header structs:
MAC SA: 02:00:00:00:00:12
MAC P: 0800
IP Ver: 4000000
IP IHL: 5000000
IP TTL: 255
IP Checksum: 0
IP SRC: 0a020000
IP DST: 00000000 // It looks good up until here. this should be 0c0c0c0c
Packet read by char:
0200 0000 0002 0200 0000 0012 0800 4500 0026 17ffffffd4 ffffff81ffffffe7 ffffffff01 0000 0a02 0002 0c0c 0c0c 0000 ffffffe802 ffffffc04b 0004 3effffff89 3325 0006 ffffffddffffffef 0809
Packet read by uint16_t:
0200 0000 0000 0200 0000 0000 0800 4500 0000 1700 81ff ffff 0000 0a00 0000 0c00 0c00 0000 e8ff c0ff 0000 3e00 3300 0000 ddff 0800
Packet read by uint32_t:
02000000 00000000 00000000 08000000 00000000 81ffffff 00000000 00000000 0c000000 e8ffffff 00000000 33000000 ddffffff
正如你可以看到結構中的數據一直很好,直到DST IP。這可能是因爲填充/數據對齊?通過查看字符讀數,它會出現問題以某種方式發生在數據的IP頭部分中?當我通過char閱讀時,這些'f從哪裏來?
我試着檢查c-> pkt指針地址和它的偶數。我甚至不確定這是否重要?我認爲這將始終是因爲malloc爲我而來。閱讀這些數據以解析/解組的正確方式是什麼?我將會對這些數據進行修改,所以我寧願將數據轉換成整潔的結構。
謝謝!它似乎正在工作! – Robzet