2013-06-05 83 views

在我的控制器中,我有以下方法..非常簡單。C#MVC4 - 通過自定義類的列表返回到Javascript

namespace Playground.Controllers 
    public class TasksController : Controller 

     // an ajax call to this generates the server error in the response 
     // "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: controllerContext" 
     public JsonResult GetTask() 
      List<Task> tasks = GetTasks(); 
      return Json(tasks, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); 

     // an ajax call to this comes back successful, but only outputs 
     // "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Playground.Models.Task]" 
     // which, when expanded... is empty 
     public List<Task> GetTasks() 
      //Create an array to hold all of the task objects 
      var tasks = new List<Task> { }; 

      //Execute the select statement and get back a SqlDataReader object 
      DataTable table = DataAccess.ExecuteSelect("select Id, Name, Description, Starting, Ending from Tasks"); 

      foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows) 
       //Assign values to the task object 
       Task task = new Task((int)dr["Id"], 

       //Add task object to list of task objects 

      return tasks; 



namespace Playground.Models 
    public class Task : Controller 
     public int Id { get; set; } 
     public string Name { get; set; } 
     public string Description { get; set; } 
     public DateTime Starting { get; set; } 
     public DateTime Ending { get; set; } 

     public Task(int Id, string Name, string Description, DateTime Starting, DateTime Ending) 
      this.Id = Id; 
      this.Name = Name; 
      this.Description = Description; 
      this.Starting = Starting; 
      this.Ending = Ending; 



    type: "GET", 
    url: "Tasks/GetTasks", //Changed between GetTasks and GetTask for testing. 
    dataType: "html", 
    //dataType: "json", 
    async: false, 
    data: { }, 
    success: function (data, text) { 


    error: function (request, status, error) { 
     //do something 



      No Properties 
      No Properties 



//Error on the Serialize line 
    // "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation." 
    public JsonResult GetTask() 
     List<Task> tasks = GetTasks(); 
     JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer(); 
     object obj = tasks; 
     var val = ser.Serialize(obj); 
     return Json(val, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); 

    --- AND --- 

    //Returns a server error to JS 
    //Value cannot be null. Parameter name: controllerContext 
    public JsonResult GetTask() 
     List<Task> tasks = GetTasks(); 
     JsonResult jr = new JsonResult(); 
     jr.Data = Json(tasks); 
     jr.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet; 
     return jr; 

    --- AND --- 

    //Returns a server error to JS 
    //Value cannot be null. Parameter name: controllerContext 
    public JsonResult GetTask() 
     List<Task> tasks = GetTasks(); 
     return Json(tasks, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); 

    --- AND --- 

    //Returns a server error to JS 
    //Value cannot be null. Parameter name: controllerContext 
    public JsonResult GetTask() 
     Task task = new Task(0, "Name", "Desc", new DateTime(), new DateTime()); 
     return Json(task, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); 

您應該已經擁有了它們。嘗試輸出'console.dir(data [0] .Id);'你會得到什麼? – mattytommo


也許你的控制器方法沒有返回'JsonResult'? –


@ jesus.tesh剛剛更新了我的OP,試着返回一個JsonResult,但得到一個錯誤「Value can not be null。Parameter name:controllerContext」。 。 。我沒有任何東西叫controllerContext,所以這是一個系統錯誤。 – adam






public JsonResult GetTasks() 
    //Create an array to hold all of the task objects 
    var tasks = new List<Task> { }; 

    //Execute the select statement and get back a SqlDataReader object 
    DataTable table = DataAccess.ExecuteSelect("select Id, Name, Description, Starting, Ending from Tasks"); 

    foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows) 
     //Assign values to the task object 
     Task task = new Task((int)dr["Id"], 

     //Add task object to list of task objects 

    return Json(tasks, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); 

當我嘗試時,它會出現錯誤:ajax例程。但request.status是200,並且request.statusText是「OK」 – adam


@adam - 我已根據您的評論添加更多信息 – tvanfosson


對不起,發送的信息不夠詳細。仍然有問題,但相當更新OP。 – adam