Option Explicit
Sub SplitExample()
Dim inputString As String
Dim categories() As String
Dim subCategories() As String
Dim individualSubCat() As String
Dim cat As Variant
Dim subCat As Variant
Dim cnt As Integer
inputString = "1:1i;2:2a;3:3a,3d,3l;4:4a"
categories = Split(inputString, ";")
For Each cat In categories
subCategories = Split(cat, ":")
If UBound(subCategories) >= 0 Then
Debug.Print ("Category " & subCategories(0))
If UBound(subCategories) > 0 Then
individualSubCat = Split(subCategories(1), ",")
Debug.Print (vbTab & "Has " & UBound(individualSubCat) - LBound(individualSubCat) + 1 & " flag(s)")
For Each subCat In individualSubCat
Debug.Print (vbTab & subCat & " was flagged " & CountSubCategory(individualSubCat, subCat) & " time(s)")
Debug.Print (vbTab & "No Subcategories flagged")
End If
Debug.Print ("")
End If
Erase subCategories
Erase individualSubCat
End Sub
Private Function CountSubCategory(individualSubCategories() As String, ByVal subCat As String) As Integer
Dim cnt As Integer
Dim value As Variant
cnt = 0
For Each value In individualSubCategories
If value = subCat Then cnt = cnt + 1
CountSubCategory = cnt
End Function
Category 1
Has 1 flag(s)
1i was flagged 1 time(s)
Category 2
Has 1 flag(s)
2a was flagged 1 time(s)
Category 3
Has 3 flag(s)
3a was flagged 1 time(s)
3d was flagged 1 time(s)
3l was flagged 1 time(s)
Category 4
Has 1 flag(s)
4a was flagged 1 time(s)
將上面的代碼打印每個標誌,即使有重複。你沒有說這是否是期望的行爲。從數組中過濾或分組重複並不簡單,但最好使用VBA中的Collection或Dictionary類完成。 (請看this question以幫助過濾數組中的重複項)。
- 創建VBA函數或子的代碼,以上述分析它(基本上裏面有什麼東西上面
- 決定如何輸出結果。實際上,你會用行替換某些地方的結果(可能是另一個excel電子表格,因此你可以創建你正在查找的圖表)。
Sub OutputErrorCodes()
Dim inputString as String
' You code to read your string values from where-ever you keep them
' and build the inputString
' this source could be a file, or a worksheet in the Excel Workbook
' or could be an external datasource like a database or even an internet
' location
' once you build your inputString, you just need to call ParseErrorCodes
ParseErrorCodes inputString
End Sub
Sub ParseErrorCodes(input as String)
' MyCode from above with some modifications
' - You need to remove the Dim for inputString and the assignment for
' inputString
' - You need to replace the Debug.Print lines with your method of
' defining the output
' * this can be via outputing directly to an excel spreadsheet or
' maybe a global variable
' * outputing to an excel spreadsheet would probably be the best
' option and allow for more dynamic flags, but you need to decide
' where to output it in the code
End Sub
Private Function CountSubCategory(individualSubCategories() As String,
ByVal subCat As String) As Integer)
' this code can probably be taken directly from my example
End Function
謝謝你的迴應,這是非常有幫助的。一個問題:上面的代碼如何被送入VBA?理想情況下,有一張帶有多行代碼的列表。我需要拉出所有的代碼,並將它們轉化爲趨勢分析的根本原因,然後繪製最高缺陷區域(3a或3l)等。 – user1005237
在我的示例中,我剛剛使用示例字符串定義了一個字符串:'inputString = 「1:1I; 2:2A; 3:3A,3D,3L; 4:4A」'。您必須從另一個讀取輸入(可能是Excel電子表格)的方法中爲其提供特定的字符串 – psubsee2003
@ user1005237我在一些更基本的用法詳細信息中添加了我的答案。但是,大多數情況下,假定您對Excel中的VBA有基本的瞭解,以及如何調用方法以及從Excel電子表格和其他基本I/O讀取/寫入數據。 – psubsee2003