[Column1] \t [Column2] \t [test] \t [test] \t [test] \t [test] \t [Column3] \t [Column4]
我想要做的,是重新命名是重複的[測試]用整數列。 所以會成爲像
[Column1] \t [Column2] \t [test1] \t [test2] \t [test3] \t [test4] \t [Column3] \t [Column4]
string destinationUnformmatedFileName = @"C:\New\20130816_Opportunities_unFormatted.txt";
string destinationFormattedFileName = @"C:\New\20130816_Opportunities_Formatted.txt";
var unformattedFileStream = File.Open(destinationUnformmatedFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); // Open (unformatted) file for reading
var formattedFileStream = File.Open(destinationFormattedFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); // Create (formattedFile) for writing
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(unformattedFileStream);
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(formattedFileStream);
int rowCounter = 0;
// Read each row in the unformatted file
while ((currentRow = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
//First row, lets check for duplicate names
if (rowCounter = 0)
// Write column name to array
string delimiter = "\t";
string[] fieldNames = currentRow.Split(delimiter.ToCharArray());
foreach (string fieldName in fieldNames)
// fieldName must be followed by a tab for it to be a duplicate
// original code - causing the issue
//Regex rgx = new Regex("\\t(" + fieldName + ")\\t");
// Edit - resolved the issue
Regex rgx = new Regex("(?<=\\t|^)(" + fieldName + ")(\\t)+");
// Count how many occurances of fieldName in currentRow
int count = rgx.Matches(currentRow).Count;
//MessageBox.Show("Match Count = " + count.ToString());
// If we have a duplicate field name
if (count > 1)
string newFieldName = "\t" + fieldName + count.ToString() + "\t";
currentRow = rgx.Replace(currentRow, newFieldName, 1);
Regex rgx = new Regex("(?<=\\t|^)(" + fieldName + ")(\\t)+");
[Column1] \t [Column2] \t [test4] \t [test3] \t [test2] \t [test] \t [Column3] \t [Column4]
[Column1] \t [Column2] \t [test1] \t [test2] \t [test3] \t [test4] \t [Column3] \t [Column4]
「我不認爲正則表達式工作正常」聽起來像你甚至不確定是否有一個問題。什麼不工作?你有例外嗎?錯誤的結果?沒有結果?另外,你可能希望爲你的模式使用逐字字符串以避免雙重轉義:'@「\ t('。其次,你應該在將'regex.Escape()'連接成模式之前運行'fieldName',因爲它可能包含元字符 –
關於你的編輯,如果修改它,那麼問題是匹配永遠不會重疊,因爲你在字段名稱前後需要一個'\ t',所以相鄰字段的匹配會重疊。這是一個很好的解決方法,另外,請將您的解決方案作爲答案(並接受它,如果你沒有得到一個更好的) –
謝謝m.buettner - 我已經發布了答案,但需要等待2天才能接受。感覺不好,現在浪費人們的時間應該等待一段時間,再研究一下。感謝您的幫助! –