2014-10-19 46 views

我已經使用Visual Studio在c#中編寫了遞歸快速排序算法。奇怪的是,當輸入是將要排序的數字的集合時,它的排列數低於9500,它會給出最好,最差和平均情況下的結果。但是,當輸入大於9500時,會拋出一個堆棧溢出異常。我知道還有另一個問題與我在網站上的問題幾乎相同,但是我也做了遞歸的條件。遞歸Quicksort引發堆棧溢出異常

public int[] quick(int [] myarray,int p,int r) 
     int q; 
     if (p < r) 
      q = partition(myarray, p, r); 
      quick(myarray, p, q - 1); 
      quick(myarray, q + 1, r); 
     return myarray; 
    public int partition(int [] myarray, int left, int right) 
     int i = left - 1; 
     int tmp = 0; 
     int pivot = myarray[right]; 
     for (int j = left; j < right; j++) 
      if (myarray[j] < pivot) 
       i = i + 1; 
       tmp = myarray[i]; 
       myarray[i] = myarray[j]; 
       myarray[j] = tmp; 
     tmp = myarray[i + 1]; 
     myarray[i + 1] = myarray[right]; 
     myarray[right] = tmp; 
     return i + 1; 


static void Main(string[] args) 
     Stopwatch mwatch = new Stopwatch(); 
     Program quickprogram = new Program(); 
     int[] mydizi = new int[9000]; 
     //int counter = 9000; 

     //initialization of quick array 
     for (int i = 0; i < mydizi.Length; i++) 
      mydizi[i] = i + 1; 


     int[] result = new int[9000]; //return array 
     //time is starting 
     //algorithm is called 
     result = quickprogram.quick(mydizi,0,mydizi.Length-1); 

     //result is returned from quickprogram 
     for (long j = 0; j < result.Length;j++) 
      Console.Write(result[j] + ","); 
     //time is up 
     //Printing the time that show how it takes 
     Console.Write("Ms:" + mwatch.Elapsed.Milliseconds + " S:" + mwatch.Elapsed.Seconds + " Mn:" + mwatch.Elapsed.Minutes + " Hr:" + mwatch.Elapsed.Hours); 

不需要! – 2014-10-19 08:28:08


如果遞歸算法得到堆棧溢出,通常意味着您對底部情況的測試不正確。 – Barmar 2014-10-19 08:29:35


-1 CAPS LOCK ... – sashoalm 2014-10-19 08:29:40





int i = left - 1;     // i = left-1 
int pivot = myarray[right]; 
for (int j = left; j < right; j++) // j = left 
    if (myarray[j] < pivot) 
     i = i + 1;     // now i = left-1+1 = left = j 
     tmp = myarray[i]; 
     myarray[i] = myarray[j]; 
     myarray[j] = tmp;   

     // congratulations! 
     // you successfully exchanged a value with itself! 

在最終的結果,你叫快()遞歸這些參數(與數組大小= 9):

quick(0, 8) 
> quick(0, 7) 
>> quick(0, 6) 
>>> quick(0, 5) 
>>>> quick(0, 4) 
>>>>> quick(0, 3) 
>>>>>> quick(0, 2) 
>>>>>>> quick(0, 1) 
>>>>>>>> quick(0, 0) 
>>>>>>>> quick(2, 1) 
>>>>>>> quick(3, 2) 
>>>>>> quick(4, 3) 
>>>>> quick(5, 4) 
>>>> quick(6, 5) 
>>> quick(7, 6) 
>> quick(8, 7) 
> quick(9, 8) 



但是9.000呼叫如何耗盡1MB堆棧? – 2014-10-19 21:25:34