2013-07-19 34 views

我安裝的sendmail服務器在本地Sendmail的錯誤信息:553 5.1.8 ......發件人地址的域名......不存在


This message was created automatically by mail delivery software. 

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its 
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: 

    [email protected] 
    SMTP error from remote mail server after MAIL FROM:<[email protected]> SIZE=2548: 
    host inhmail.walkingtree.in []: 
    553 5.1.8 <[email protected]>... Domain of sender address [email protected] does not exist 

------ This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ------ 

我在192.168.1.145中安裝了sendmail服務器。 .145的域名是inhmail.walkingtree.in



請幫助那些how sendmail can receive mails from external email servers.


> [[email protected] ~]$ echo "check_mail [email protected]" | sendmail -d8.20 -bt 
ADDRESS TEST MODE (ruleset 3 NOT automatically invoked) 
Enter <ruleset> <address> 
> check_mail   input: jd @ walkingtree . in 
Basic_check_mail input: jd @ walkingtree . in 
tls_client   input: $| MAIL 
D     input: < > <?> < ! "TLS_Clt" > < > 
D    returns: <?> < > <?> < ! "TLS_Clt" > < > 
A     input: < > <?> < ! "TLS_Clt" > < > 
A    returns: < > <?> < ! "TLS_Clt" > < > 
TLS_connection  input: $| < > <?> < ! "TLS_Clt" > < > 
TLS_connection returns: OK 
tls_client  returns: OK 
CanonAddr   input: < jd @ walkingtree . in > 
canonify   input: < jd @ walkingtree . in > 
Canonify2   input: jd < @ walkingtree . in > 
dns_getcanonname(walkingtree.in, trymx=1) 
dns_getcanonname: trying walkingtree.in. (AAAA) 
    NO: errno=0, h_errno=4 
dns_getcanonname: trying walkingtree.in. (A) 
    NO: errno=0, h_errno=4 
dns_getcanonname: trying walkingtree.in. (MX) 
    NO: errno=0, h_errno=4 
dns_getcanonname: trying walkingtree.in.localdomain (AAAA) 
    NO: errno=0, h_errno=1 
Canonify2  returns: jd < @ walkingtree . in > 
canonify   returns: jd < @ walkingtree . in > 
Parse0    input: jd < @ walkingtree . in > 
Parse0   returns: jd < @ walkingtree . in > 
CanonAddr  returns: jd < @ walkingtree . in > 
SearchList   input: < + From > $| < F : jd @ walkingtree . in > < U : jd @ > < D : walkingtree . in > < > 
F     input: < jd @ walkingtree . in > <?> < + From > < > 
F    returns: <?> < > 
SearchList   input: < + From > $| < U : jd @ > < D : walkingtree . in > < > 
U     input: < jd @ > <?> < + From > < > 
U    returns: <?> < > 
SearchList   input: < + From > $| < D : walkingtree . in > < > 
D     input: < walkingtree . in > <?> < + From > < > 
D     input: <in> <?> < + From > < > 
D    returns: <?> < > 
D    returns: <?> < > 
SearchList  returns: <?> 
SearchList  returns: <?> 
SearchList  returns: <?> 
Basic_check_mail returns: $# error [email protected] 5 . 1 . 8 $: "553 Domain of sender address " " does not exist" 
check_mail  returns: $# error [email protected] 5 . 1 . 8 $: "553 Domain of sender address " " does not exist" 
> [[email protected] ~]$ 







你sendmail認爲信封發件人的域名walkingtree.in不存在(沒有MX,A, AAAADNS記錄)。它拒絕使用這種信封發件人接受郵件,因爲無法發送(最終)退回郵件(有關電子郵件傳遞問題的報告)。


nslookup -type=mx walkingtree.in
dig walkingtree.in MX


echo "check_mail [email protected]" | sendmail -d8.20 -bt 

在 「Undefined ruleset check_mail」 錯誤嘗試的情況下:

echo "checkmail [email protected]" | sendmail -d8.20 -bt 

checkmail - 與功能使用的check_mail的當量(delay_checks)


你可以請以上更新,我把你的命令的輸出 – sri


inhmail.walkingtree.in不能接收來自Gmail的郵件 – sri


對不起,現在我能夠從@ gmail.com得到郵件,但不能收到walkingtree.in – sri
