在這個簡單的類中,我想要var_dump這個規則。但這沒有用。 有沒有人有想法?Var_dump does not work
class Forms_FormsValidation {
private $_required;
private $_minLength;
private $_maxLength;
private $_alphaNumeric;
private $_errors;
public function __construct($validate, $posts) {
foreach ($validate as $arraykey => $value) {
foreach ($value as $key => $values) {
if (method_exists($this, "set$key")) {
$set = 'set'.ucfirst($key);
$get = 'get'.ucfirst($key);
$this->$set($posts["$arraykey"], $values);
if($this->$get() != '') {
$this->_errors[$arraykey] .= $this->$get();
public function setValidation(){
if (empty($this->_errors)){return TRUE;}return FALSE;
public function getRequired() {
return $this->_required;
public function setRequired($value, $ruleValue) {
if (empty($value) && $ruleValue == TRUE) {
$this->_required = 'newwwwwwwwww this field is required';
public function getMinLength() {
return $this->_minLength;
public function setMinLength($value, $ruleValue) {
if (strlen($value) < $ruleValue) {
$this->_minLength = 'must be longer than' . $ruleValue . '';
public function getMaxLength() {
return $this->_maxLength;
public function setMaxLength($value, $ruleValue) {
if (strlen($value) > $ruleValue) {
$this->_maxLength = 'must be shorter than' . $ruleValue . '';
public function getAlphaNumeric() {
return $this->_alphaNumeric;
public function setAlphaNumeric($value, $ruleValue) {
if (!preg_match('/^([a-z0-9])+$/i', $value)) {
$this->_alphaNumeric = 'can only contain letters and numbers';
$validateUser = array('user' => array ('required' => TRUE, 'minLength' => 2,'maxLength' => 15, 'alphaNumeric' => TRUE));
$validatePassword = array('password' => array ('required' => TRUE, 'minLength' => 2,'maxLength' => 15, 'alphaNumeric' => TRUE));
$_POST = array_map('strip_tags', $_POST);
$formsValidation = new Forms_FormsValidation($validateUser, $_POST);
$formsValidation = new Forms_FormsValidation($validatePassword, $_POST);
if ($formsValidation->setValidation() === TRUE) {echo 'TRUE';}
你是什麼意思「,它並沒有定義在類成員變量定義變量工作「?它應該說「NULL」 – 2013-05-09 05:15:06
您已在__construct()中使用var_dump,其中_validationRules爲空,因此它不會打印任何內容。 – CRDave 2013-05-09 05:15:38