2016-11-24 74 views

好的,我正在構建一個iOS應用,它使用Auth0作爲身份驗證管理器和AWS,託管我所有應用的其他功能。用戶在Auth0上顯示,但不在AWS Cognito身份池

但是我可以使用Auth0創建和驗證用戶,但我無法讓用戶在我的AWS Identity Pool中註冊。


// MARK: - IBAction Login 
// This button brings up the Auth0 View Controller. 
@IBAction func tryLogIn(_ sender: Any) { 
    let controller = A0Lock.shared().newLockViewController() 
    controller?.closable = true 
    controller?.onAuthenticationBlock = { maybeProfile, maybeToken in 
     // Do something to with token profile. e.g: save time. e.g:    save them. 
     // Lock will not save the for you. 

     // Now it is set up to save the information. 
      let token = maybeToken, 
      let refreshToken = token.refreshToken 
      else { 
     let keychain = A0SimpleKeychain(service: "Auth0") 
     keychain.setString(token.idToken, forKey: "id_token") 
     keychain.setString(refreshToken, forKey: "refresh_token") 

      // The idToken does't exist, therefore the user has to enter their credentials to gain access. 
      // Present the A0Lock login View Controller here. 
      A0Lock.shared().present(controller, from: self) 
    // MARK: - idToken exists 
    // An idToken exists. 
    // It needs to pass the validation test before access is granted. 
    let keychain = A0SimpleKeychain(service: "Auth0") 
    guard let idToken = keychain.string(forKey: "id_token") else { 
     // Present the A0Lock login view controller here. 
     A0Lock.shared().present(controller, from: self) 

    // MARK: - idToken validation test. 
    // To be useful the idToken has to pass the validation test! 
    // Initialize the validation test! 
    let client = A0Lock.shared().apiClient() 
    client.fetchUserProfile(withIdToken: idToken, 
          success: { profile in 
    // The idToken is valid so it is safe to continue. 
    // The fetched user profile is stored. 
    keychain.setData(NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: profile), forKey: "profile") 
    // At this point, the user can log into the app by seguing to the next user interface. 
    A0Lock.shared().present(controller, from: self) 
    self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "CurrentlyLoggedIn", sender: nil) 
    failure: { error in 
    // The idToken has expired or is no longer valid anymore. 
    let keychain = A0SimpleKeychain(service: "Auth0") 
    guard keychain.string(forKey: "refresh_token") != nil 
     let client = A0Lock.shared().apiClient() 
     client.fetchNewIdToken(withRefreshToken: "refresh_token", parameters: nil, success: { (newToken) in 
      // Congratulations, the user has now a new idToken! 
      keychain.setString(newToken.idToken, forKey: "id_token") 
      failure: { (error) in 
       // refreshToken is no longer required. 
       // Cleaning stored values since they are no longer required. 

    // MARK: - Amazon AWS Cognito. 
    // This should link the authentication methods together. 
    // Initialize the Amazon Cognito credentials provider 

    let credentialsProvider = AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider(regionType:.apNortheast1, 

    let configuration = AWSServiceConfiguration(region:.apNortheast1, credentialsProvider:credentialsProvider) 

    AWSServiceManager.default().defaultServiceConfiguration = configuration 

    // Declaring developer identity here. 

    // Initialize the Cognito Sync client 
    let syncClient = AWSCognito.default() 

    // Create a record in a dataset and synchronize with the server 
    let dataset = syncClient?.openOrCreateDataset("myDataset") 
    dataset?.setString("myValue", forKey:"myKey") 
    dataset?.synchronize().continue ({ (task: AWSTask!) -> AnyObject! in 
     // Your handler code here 
     return nil 



2016-11-24 18:33:18.654 FireStick[37559:520593] AWSiOSSDK v2.4.11 [Debug] AWSURLSessionManager.m line:553 | -[AWSURLSessionManager printHTTPHeadersForResponse:] | Responseheaders: 
Connection = "keep-alive"; 
"Content-Length" = 111; 
"Content-Type" = "application/x-amz-json-1.1"; 
Date = "Thu, 24 Nov 2016 07:33:17 GMT"; 
"x-amzn-ErrorMessage" = "Unauthenticated access is not supported for this identity pool."; 
"x-amzn-ErrorType" = "NotAuthorizedException:"; 
"x-amzn-RequestId" = "44d2980b-b218-11e6-ae61-839aac944b5a"; 
2016-11-24 18:33:18.654 FireStick[37559:520593] AWSiOSSDK v2.4.11 [Debug] AWSURLResponseSerialization.m line:63 | -[AWSJSONResponseSerializer responseObjectForResponse:originalRequest:currentRequest:data:error:] | Response body: 
    {"__type":"NotAuthorizedException","message":"Unauthenticated access is not supported for this identity pool."} 

