... group by date having date between '2010-07-01' and '2010-07-10';
sum(test) day
20 2010-07-03
120 2010-07-07
33 2010-07-09
42 2010-07-10
sum(test) day
0 2010-07-01
0 2010-07-02
20 2010-07-03
0 2010-07-04
0 2010-07-05
0 2010-07-06
120 2010-07-07
... ...
42 2010-07-10
select COALESCE(sum(DUR), 0) AS "r", 0 AS "opt", DATE_FORMAT(date, '%d.%m.%Y') AS "day" from (
select a.id as ID, a.dur as DUR, DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(REVTSTMP/1000)) as date,
a_au.re as RE, a_au.stat as STAT from b_c
join c on b_c.c_id = c.id
join a on c.id = a.c_id
join a_au on a.id = a_au.id
join revi on a_au.re = revi.re
join (
select a.id as ID, DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(REVTSTMP/1000)) as date,
max(a_au.re) as MAX_RE from b_c
join c on b_c.c_id = c.id
join a on c.id = a.c_id
join a_au on a.id = a_au.id
join revi on a_au.re = revi.re
where b_c.b_id = 30 group by ID, date) x on
x.id = a.id and x.date = date and x.MAX_RE = a_au.rev
where a_au.stat != 7
group by ID, x.date)
AS SubSelTable where date between '2010-07-01' and '2010-07-15' group by date;
更新: 我的新的SQL語句( - >戴夫裏克斯):
select coalesce(`theData`.`real`, 0) as 'real', 0 as 'opt', DATE_FORMAT(`DT`.`ddDate`, '%d.%m.%Y') as 'date'
from `dimdates` as DT
left join (
select coalesce(sum(DUR), 0) AS 'real', 0 AS 'opt', date
from (
select a.id as ID, a.dur as DUR, DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(REVTSTMP/1000)) as date, a_au.RE as RE, a_au.stat as STAT
from b_c
join c on b_c.c_id = c.id
join a on c.id = a.c_id
join a_au on a.id = a_au.id
join revi on a_au.RE = revi.RE
join (
select a.id as ID, DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(REVTSTMP/1000)) as date, max(a_au.RE) as MAX_RE
from b_c
join c on b_c.c_id = c.id
join a on c.id = a.c_id
join a_au on a.id = a_au.id
join revi on a_au.RE = revi.RE
where b_c.b_id = 30 GROUP BY ID, date
) x
on x.id = a.id and x.date = date and x.MAX_RE = a_au.RE
where a_au.stat != 20
group by ID, x.date
) AS SubTable
where date between '2010-07-01' and '2010-07-10' group by date) AS theData
ON `DT`.`ddDate` = `theData`.`date` where `DT`.`ddDate` between '2010-07-01' and '2010-07-15';
是什麼日子列的數據類型 - 字符串或日期/ DATETIME/TIMESTAMP? – 2010-07-14 19:59:01
date是從毫秒級的UNIX-TIMESTAMP到DATE的轉換。 – Tim 2010-07-14 21:01:37