2013-06-11 19 views

QB 2013親 寫一次 - 購物車,助理SalesOrderStorage :: DoAdd t此版本的QuickBooks未啓用或不可用此功能。 HRESULT = 0x80040527



20130611.161018 I 5012 RequestProcessor ========= Started Connection ========= 
20130611.161018 I 5012 RequestProcessor Request Processor, QBXMLRP2 v12.0 
20130611.161018 I 5012 RequestProcessor Connection opened by app named 'Shopping Cart Assistant' 
20130611.161018 D 5012 CRLInstaller CRL path is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intuit\QuickBooks 2013\Components\Services\ 
20130611.161018 D 5012 CRLInstaller No new CRL files found. 
20130611.161018 I 5012 CertVerifier The file does not contain an Authenticode signature. 
20130611.161019 D 5012 CRLInstaller CRL path is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intuit\QuickBooks 2013\Components\Services\ 
20130611.161019 D 5012 CRLInstaller No new CRL files found. 
20130611.161019 D 5012 CertVerifier The embedded module does not contain an Authenticode signature. 
20130611.161019 D 5012 RequestProcessor Begin Session started... 
20130611.161019 I 5012 RequestProcessor OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit 
20130611.161019 I 5012 RequestProcessor Current Process is elevated 
20130611.161019 I 5012 RequestProcessor Current User is in AdminGroup 
20130611.161019 I 5012 RequestProcessor Current Process is ran as Admin 
20130611.161019 I 5012 RequestProcessor Current Process Integrity Level : 3000 
20130611.161019 V 5012 RequestProcessor Not in-proc request. 
20130611.161019 D 5012 RequestProcessor File info: "G:\BSN\QuickBooks\quickbooks\Blue Sage Naturals, LLC6-11-13.qbw", v23.0R7 (2305), pro, standard_stratum 
20130611.161019 D 5012 RequestProcessor Getting an instance of pRunningInfo 
20130611.161019 D 5012 RequestProcessor Getting an instance of pRunningInfo using pRunningInstanceFinder 
20130611.161019 D 5012 RequestProcessor QuickBooks is not running.. 
20130611.161019 D 5012 RequestProcessor Starting QuickBooks (launch): Install info: v23.0R7 (2305), pro, standard_stratum 
20130611.161019 D 5012 RequestProcessor Performing QB Launch Retries 
20130611.161019 D 5012 RequestProcessor Check QB process ID before calling instance finder to find it. 
20130611.161019 D 5012 RequestProcessor QuickBooks is not running.! 
20130611.161019 I 5012 RequestProcessor Quickbooks is not running currently 
20130611.161019 I 5012 RequestProcessor Launch a new instance of Quickbooks 
20130611.161022 I 5012 RequestProcessor Getting the IUnknown COM instance of QB 
20130611.161022 D 5012 RequestProcessor Obtained the IUnknown COM instance of QB without an exception 
20130611.161022 D 5012 RequestProcessor QuickBooks launch succeeded. 
20130611.161022 D 5012 RequestProcessor get_CompanyFileIsOpen call successful 
20130611.161022 I 5012 RequestProcessor Opening the file in the DoNotCare mode. 
20130611.161022 D 5012 RequestProcessor Attempt getting the Request Processor interface 
20130611.161022 D 5012 RequestProcessor Got query interface pointer till pReqProc2 
20130611.161022 D 5012 RequestProcessor Got query interface pointer till pReqProc3 
20130611.161022 D 5012 RequestProcessor Got query interface pointer till pReqProc4 
20130611.161022 D 5012 RequestProcessor Got query interface pointer till pReqProc5 
20130611.161022 D 5012 RequestProcessor Calling raw_SDKOpenFile4 
20130611.161027 V 6600 EventCapturer initializing company file path. 
20130611.161027 D 6600 EventSub:Load No subscriptions found in data file. 
20130611.161027 D 6600 EventSub:Synch No sub config file. Removing 0 event subscriptions. 
20130611.161027 D 6600 COMEventHandler Create IQBEventCallback 
20130611.161027 D 6600 COMEventHandler Error creating callback for ProSeries 
20130611.161027 D 6600 COMEventHandler Error Message: class not registered 
20130611.161028 D 5012 RequestProcessor Successfully opened the data file: G:\BSN\QuickBooks\quickbooks\Blue Sage Naturals, LLC6-11-13.qbw 
20130611.161029 D 5012 RequestProcessor COM access to QuickBooks starting ... 
20130611.161029 I 6600 QBSDKProcessRequest Application named 'Shopping Cart Assistant' starting requests (process 5012). 

20130611.161029 V 6600 QBSDKProcessRequest =============================================== 
20130611.161029 V 6600 QBSDKProcessRequest Begin dumping request data received from client 
20130611.161029 V 6600 QBSDKProcessRequest =============================================== 
20130611.161029 V 6600 QBSDKProcessRequest <?xml version="1.0" ?><?qbxml version="3.0" ?><QBXML><QBXMLMsgsRq onError = "stopOnError"><CustomerAddRq requestID = "1"><CustomerAdd><Name>Name Fake</Name><IsActive>1</IsActive><CompanyName></CompanyName><FirstName>Fake</FirstName><LastName>Name</LastName><BillAddress><Addr1>Fake Name</Addr1><Addr2>123 N Anywhere Rd</Addr2><Addr3></Addr3><City>Nowhere</City><State>CO</State><PostalCode>81321</PostalCode></BillAddress><ShipAddress><Addr1>Fake Name</Addr1><Addr2>123 N Anywhere Rd</Addr2><Addr3></Addr3><City>Nowhere</City><State>CO</State><PostalCode>81321</PostalCode></ShipAddress><Phone>(111) 111-1111</Phone><Email>[email protected]</Email><Contact>Fake Name</Contact><SalesTaxCodeRef><FullName>Non</FullName></SalesTaxCodeRef><ItemSalesTaxRef><FullName>Out of state</FullName></ItemSalesTaxRef></CustomerAdd></CustomerAddRq></QBXMLMsgsRq></QBXML> 
20130611.161029 V 6600 QBSDKProcessRequest ================================================ 
20130611.161029 V 6600 QBSDKProcessRequest End dumping of request data received from client 
20130611.161029 V 6600 QBSDKProcessRequest ================================================ 

20130611.161029 D 6600 MacroManager::DumpMacroMap Map contains no entries 
20130611.161029 V 6600 XercesSAXParseManager Using Xerces-c parser, version 2_5_0 
20130611.161029 V 6600 XMLDtdMapper TransformProcessingInstruction using DOCTYPE: <!DOCTYPE QBXML PUBLIC '-//INTUIT//DTD QBXML QBD 3.0//EN' 'http://developer.intuit.com'> 

20130611.161029 V 6600 XercesSAXEntityResolver Resolving public ID: -//INTUIT//DTD QBXML QBD 3.0//EN 
20130611.161029 V 6600 XercesSAXEntityResolver qbxmlops30.dtd 
20130611.161029 V 6600 ParseManager Getting SDKResource: qbxmlops30.dtd 
20130611.161029 V 6600 XercesSAXEntityResolver Resolving Public Entity took 0.0080 seconds 
20130611.161029 V 6600 XercesSAXEntityResolver Resolving system ID: qbxml30.dtd 
20130611.161029 V 6600 ParseManager Getting SDKResource: qbxml30.dtd 
20130611.161029 V 6600 XercesSAXEntityResolver Resolving System Entity took 0.0060 seconds 
20130611.161029 V 6600 XercesSAXEntityResolver Resolving system ID: qbxmlso30.dtd 
20130611.161029 V 6600 ParseManager Getting SDKResource: qbxmlso30.dtd 
20130611.161029 V 6600 XercesSAXEntityResolver Resolving System Entity took 0.0000 seconds 
20130611.161029 D 6600 QBXMLMsgs CustomerAddRq 
20130611.161029 V 6600 SAXParseMediator EndElement: empty aggregate: name and currentTag are the same: CompanyName 
20130611.161029 W 6600 QBNCustomerAdd::HandleAggregate unexpected tag 'CompanyName'. 
20130611.161029 D 6600 SAXParseMediator DispatchData: 'CompanyName', no data to dispatch, dispatching empty string 
20130611.161029 V 6600 SAXParseMediator EndElement: empty aggregate: name and currentTag are the same: Addr3 
20130611.161029 D 6600 SAXParseMediator DispatchData: 'Addr3', no data to dispatch, dispatching empty string 
20130611.161029 V 6600 SAXParseMediator EndElement: empty aggregate: name and currentTag are the same: Addr3 
20130611.161029 D 6600 SAXParseMediator DispatchData: 'Addr3', no data to dispatch, dispatching empty string 
20130611.161029 I 6600 SpecVersion Current version of qbXML in use: 3.0 
20130611.161029 D 6600 MsgSetHandler Parsing took 0.0650 seconds 
20130611.161029 I 6600 QBSDKMsgSetHandler ADD: Customer Job 
20130611.161029 E 6600 CustomerStorage::DoAdd The name is already in use: Name Fake. 
20130611.161029 I 6600 QBSDKMsgSetHandler Request 1 failed. 
20130611.161029 D 6600 QBSDKMsgSetHandler There was 1 request processed. 
20130611.161029 D 6600 MsgSetHandler Executing Requests took 0.014 seconds 
20130611.161029 D 6600 MsgSetHandler Creating Response took 0.000 seconds 
20130611.161029 D 6600 MsgSetHandler Response is 422 characters long 
20130611.161029 D 6600 MsgSetHandler Writing Response took 0.000 seconds 
20130611.161029 D 6600 MacroManager::DumpMacroMap Map contains no entries 
20130611.161029 I 6600 MsgSetHandler Finished. 
20130611.161029 I 6600 QBSDKProcessRequest Application named 'Shopping Cart Assistant' finishing requests (process 5012), ret = 0. 
20130611.161029 D 5012 RequestProcessor Finished processing requests, no errors. 
20130611.161029 D 5012 RequestProcessor Processing requests took 0.092 seconds. 
20130611.161029 D 5012 RequestProcessor COM access to QuickBooks starting ... 
20130611.161029 I 6600 QBSDKProcessRequest Application named 'Shopping Cart Assistant' starting requests (process 5012). 

20130611.161029 V 6600 QBSDKProcessRequest =============================================== 
20130611.161029 V 6600 QBSDKProcessRequest Begin dumping request data received from client 
20130611.161029 V 6600 QBSDKProcessRequest =============================================== 
20130611.161029 V 6600 QBSDKProcessRequest <?xml version="1.0" ?><?qbxml version="3.0" ?><QBXML><QBXMLMsgsRq onError = "stopOnError"><SalesOrderAddRq requestID = "2"><SalesOrderAdd><CustomerRef><FullName>Name Fake</FullName></CustomerRef><TemplateRef><FullName>BSN Sales Receipt-New</FullName></TemplateRef><TxnDate>2013-06-06</TxnDate><BillAddress><Addr1>Fake Name</Addr1><Addr2>123 N Anywhere Rd</Addr2><Addr3></Addr3><City>Nowhere</City><State>CO</State><PostalCode>81321</PostalCode></BillAddress><ShipAddress><Addr1>Fake Name</Addr1><Addr2>123 N Anywhere Rd</Addr2><Addr3></Addr3><City>Nowhere</City><State>CO</State><PostalCode>81321</PostalCode></ShipAddress><PONumber></PONumber><ItemSalesTaxRef><FullName>Out of state</FullName></ItemSalesTaxRef><IsToBePrinted>false</IsToBePrinted><SalesOrderLineAdd><ItemRef><FullName>ht8</FullName></ItemRef><Desc>SBT Hair Therapy 8 oz</Desc><Quantity>1</Quantity><Amount>28.00</Amount></SalesOrderLineAdd><SalesOrderLineAdd><ItemRef><FullName>sham</FullName></ItemRef><Desc>SBT Shampoo </Desc><Quantity>2</Quantity><Amount>56.00</Amount></SalesOrderLineAdd><SalesOrderLineAdd><ItemRef><FullName>Shipping</FullName></ItemRef><Desc>2</Desc><Amount>21.00</Amount></SalesOrderLineAdd></SalesOrderAdd></SalesOrderAddRq></QBXMLMsgsRq></QBXML> 
20130611.161029 V 6600 QBSDKProcessRequest ================================================ 
20130611.161029 V 6600 QBSDKProcessRequest End dumping of request data received from client 
20130611.161029 V 6600 QBSDKProcessRequest ================================================ 

20130611.161029 D 6600 MacroManager::DumpMacroMap Map contains no entries 
20130611.161029 V 6600 XercesSAXParseManager Using Xerces-c parser, version 2_5_0 
20130611.161029 V 6600 XMLDtdMapper TransformProcessingInstruction using DOCTYPE: <!DOCTYPE QBXML PUBLIC '-//INTUIT//DTD QBXML QBD 3.0//EN' 'http://developer.intuit.com'> 

20130611.161029 V 6600 XercesSAXEntityResolver Resolving public ID: -//INTUIT//DTD QBXML QBD 3.0//EN 
20130611.161029 V 6600 XercesSAXEntityResolver qbxmlops30.dtd 
20130611.161029 V 6600 ParseManager Getting SDKResource: qbxmlops30.dtd 
20130611.161029 V 6600 XercesSAXEntityResolver Resolving Public Entity took 0.0070 seconds 
20130611.161029 V 6600 XercesSAXEntityResolver Resolving system ID: qbxml30.dtd 
20130611.161029 V 6600 ParseManager Getting SDKResource: qbxml30.dtd 
20130611.161029 V 6600 XercesSAXEntityResolver Resolving System Entity took 0.0060 seconds 
20130611.161029 V 6600 XercesSAXEntityResolver Resolving system ID: qbxmlso30.dtd 
20130611.161029 V 6600 ParseManager Getting SDKResource: qbxmlso30.dtd 
20130611.161029 V 6600 XercesSAXEntityResolver Resolving System Entity took 0.0000 seconds 
20130611.161029 D 6600 QBXMLMsgs SalesOrderAddRq 
20130611.161029 V 6600 SAXParseMediator EndElement: empty aggregate: name and currentTag are the same: Addr3 
20130611.161029 D 6600 SAXParseMediator DispatchData: 'Addr3', no data to dispatch, dispatching empty string 
20130611.161029 V 6600 SAXParseMediator EndElement: empty aggregate: name and currentTag are the same: Addr3 
20130611.161029 D 6600 SAXParseMediator DispatchData: 'Addr3', no data to dispatch, dispatching empty string 
20130611.161029 V 6600 SAXParseMediator EndElement: empty aggregate: name and currentTag are the same: PONumber 
20130611.161029 W 6600 QBNSalesOrderAdd::HandleAggregate unexpected tag 'PONumber'. 
20130611.161029 D 6600 SAXParseMediator DispatchData: 'PONumber', no data to dispatch, dispatching empty string 
20130611.161029 I 6600 SpecVersion Current version of qbXML in use: 3.0 
20130611.161029 D 6600 MsgSetHandler Parsing took 0.0540 seconds 
20130611.161029 I 6600 QBSDKMsgSetHandler ADD: Sales Order 
20130611.161029 E 6600 SalesOrderStorage::DoAdd This feature is not enabled or not available in this version of QuickBooks. HRESULT=0x80040527 
20130611.161029 I 6600 QBSDKMsgSetHandler Request 2 failed. 
20130611.161029 D 6600 QBSDKMsgSetHandler There was 1 request processed. 
20130611.161029 D 6600 MsgSetHandler Executing Requests took 0.007 seconds 
20130611.161029 D 6600 MsgSetHandler Creating Response took 0.000 seconds 
20130611.161029 D 6600 MsgSetHandler Response is 441 characters long 
20130611.161029 D 6600 MsgSetHandler Writing Response took 0.000 seconds 
20130611.161029 D 6600 MacroManager::DumpMacroMap Map contains no entries 
20130611.161029 I 6600 MsgSetHandler Finished. 
20130611.161029 I 6600 QBSDKProcessRequest Application named 'Shopping Cart Assistant' finishing requests (process 5012), ret = 0. 
20130611.161029 D 5012 RequestProcessor Finished processing requests, no errors. 
20130611.161029 D 5012 RequestProcessor Processing requests took 0.073 seconds. 
20130611.161030 D 5012 RequestProcessor During this session processed 2 requests. 
20130611.161032 D 5012 RequestProcessor Detaching SDK client from QB 
20130611.161032 D 5012 RequestProcessor End Session finished OK. 
20130611.161032 I 5012 RequestProcessor Connection closed by app named 'Shopping Cart Assistant' 
20130611.161032 I 5012 RequestProcessor ========== Ended Connection ========== 




看起來你正在使用的QuickBooks Pro的,由日誌所示:

20130611.161019 D 5012 RequestProcessor File info: "G:\BSN\QuickBooks\quickbooks\Blue Sage Naturals, LLC6-11-13.qbw", v23.0R7 (2305), **pro**, standard_stratum 

(注意 「親」 標示)

的QuickBooks Pro不支持銷售訂單。因此,您無法通過API將銷售訂單添加到QuickBooks Pro。

您必須至少升級到QuickBooks Premier。