function hash(Word: Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String) return Integer is
-- First, because there's no manipulation of the string's
-- contents, doing the work on an unbounded-string is
-- rather pointless... so let's do our work on a regular --' fix for formatting
-- [static-length] string.
Working : String := Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String(Word);
-- Second, you need types in your declarations.
h : Integer := 5381;
c : Character := 'e'; --(first charater of "Word");
-- Why use a 'while' loop here? Also, what if the 'word' is
-- abracadabra, in that case c [the first letter] is the
-- same as the last letter... I suspect you want an index.
for Index in Working'Range loop -- Was: while c /= EOW loop --'
-- This is where that 'c' should actually be.
This : Character renames Working(Index);
-- Also, in Ada characters are NOT an integer.
Value : constant Integer := Character'Pos(This); --'
h := h*33 + value; -- PS: why 33? That should be commented.
-- We don't need the following line at all anymore. --'
--c := (next character of "Word");
end loop;
return h mod 20;
end hash;
function hash_2012(Word: Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String) return Integer is
-- Default should be explained.
Default : Constant Integer := 5381;
Use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
-- Using Ada 2005's extended return, because it's a bit cleaner.
Return Result : Integer:= Default do
For Ch of To_String(Word) loop
Result:= Result * 33 + Character'Pos(Ch); --'
end loop;
Result:= Result mod 20;
End return;
end hash_2012;
哦,是的......你可能想要解決溢出問題。對於任何超過幾個字符的字符串,它會溢出整數,因爲每次乘以33。 2^31 /(33 + 65)= 21913098 ...這並沒有考慮到每個角色都將它的價值加入其中。 – Shark8 2013-04-05 18:31:00