s = 'Mary'
out = []
length = len(s) # in this case length=4
# for i in range(0, 4):
# i = 0
out.append(s[0]) # s[0] = 'M', out = ['M']
print(''.join(out)) # print('M')
# if i < length - 1: => if 0 < 3:
# loc(i + 1) => loc(1)
# for j in range(1, 4):
# j = 1
out.append(s[1]) # s[1] = 'a', out = ['M', 'a']
print(''.join(out)) # print('Ma')
# if j < length - 1: => if 1 < 3:
# loc(j + 1) => loc(2)
# for k in range(2, 4):
# k = 2
out.append(s[2]) # s[2] = 'r', out = ['M', 'a', 'r']
print(''.join(out)) # print ('Mar')
# if k < length - 1: => if 2 < 3:
# loc(k + 1) => loc(3)
# for l in range(3, 4):
# l = 3
out.append(s[3]) # s[3] = 'y', out = ['M', 'a', 'r', 'y']
print(''.join(out)) # print('Mary')
# if l < length - 1: => if 3 < 3:
# condition fails -> do not recurse
del out[-1] # out = ['M', 'a', 'r']
# end of for l in range(3, 4)
del out[-1] # out = ['M', 'a']
# k = 3, now in for k in range(2, 4):
out.append(s[3]) # s[3] = 'y', out = ['M', 'a', 'y']
print(''.join(out)) # print('May')
# if k < length - 1: => if 3 < 3:
# condition fails -> do not recurse
del out[-1] # out = ['M', 'a']
# end of for k in range(2, 4)
del out[-1] # out = ['M']
# j = 2, now in for j in range (1, 4):
out.append(s[2]) # s[2] = 'r', out = ['M', 'r']
print(''.join(out)) # print('Mr')
# if j < length - 1: => if 2 < 3:
# loc(j + 1) => loc(3)
# for m in range(3, 4)
# m = 3
out.append(s[3]) # s[3] = 'y', out = ['M', 'r', 'y']
print(''.join(out)) # print('Mry')
# if m < length - 1: => if 3 < 3:
# condition fails -> do not recurse
del out[-1] # out = ['M', 'r']
# end of for m in range(3, 4)
del out[-1] # out = ['M']
# j = 3, now in for j in range (1, 4):
out.append(s[3]) # s[3] = 'y', out = ['M', 'y']
print(''.join(out)) # print('My')
# if j < length - 1: => if 3 < 3:
# condition fails -> do not recurse
del out[-1] # out = ['M']
# end of for j in range(1, 4)
del out[-1] # out = []
# i = 1
#... you get the rest
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'def loc(start):'不正確地縮進? – gregb212
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