您好,我已經在顯示或在我的RichTextBox到其他RichTextBox的轉化中的數據有問題......如何將數據從RichTextBox的傳送到另一RichTextBox的WPF C#
richtextbox1.Document = richtextbox2.Document; //This will be the idea..
SQLDataEHRemarks = myData["remarks"].ToString();// Here is my field from my database which is set as Memo
RichTextBox NewRichtextBox = new RichTextBox();// Now i created a new Richtextbox for me to take the data from SQLDataEHRemarks...
NewRichtextBox.Document.Blocks.Clear();// Clearing
TextRange tr2 = new TextRange(NewRichtextBox.Document.ContentStart, NewRichtextBox.Document.ContentEnd);// I found this code from other forum and helps me a lot by loading data from the database....
MemoryStream ms2 = GetMemoryStreamFromString(SQLDataEHRemarks);//This will Convert to String
tr2.Load(ms2, DataFormats.Rtf);//then Load the Data to my NewRichtextbox
現在我想要做的是,我去這個數據加載到我的ListView ..或其他類似的控制textblock或textbox ...
_EmpHistoryDataCollection.Add(new EmployeeHistoryObject{
EHTrackNum = tr2.ToString() // The problem here is it will display only the first line of the paragraph.. not the whole paragraph
感謝ü這麼多... :)順便說一下如何回合從列表視圖或文本框將數據發送到RichTextBox的?對於這個... ... –
@KenshiHemura檢查我的答案的最後一點,設置RichTextBox的內容的一種方法。 – Eirik