2016-01-30 61 views


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    Table Test 



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      <p>Building applications for the internet is a complex and fast-moving field which utilizes a variety of continually evolving technologies. Whether your perspective is from the client or server side, there are many languages 




所以你在做什麼這裏是我們使用在90年代做回我們以前的東西真正融入CSS和事物。嘗試從該表中取出頂部菜單並使用無序列表,並將該列表的CSS設置爲「list-style:none」,並且您可以使用浮動塊或嵌入塊或個人最喜歡的 - flexbox :) https:// css-tricks.com/flexbox-nav-bar-fixed-variable-take-rest-elements/ – Deryck



我懷疑問題是表格單元格中的一個段落 - 除非另有說明,否則div是塊元素,而不是內嵌元素。





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     <td align="center" style="color:red; font-size: xx-large" ; colspan="5"> 
     Home Page 
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      <p>Building applications for the internet is a complex and fast-moving field which utilizes a variety of continually evolving technologies. Whether your perspective is from the client or server side, there are many languages 





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<table align="center" cellpadding="5px" cellspacing="5px" id="table1"> 
    <td align="center" style="color:red; font-size: xx-large" ; colspan="5"> 
    Home Page 
     <div class="para"> 
     <p>Building applications for the internet is a complex and fast-moving field which utilizes a variety of continually evolving technologies. Whether your perspective is from the client or server side, there are many languages 